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The Journal of Human Resources Supplementary Material

The following supplementary materials have been designated Open Access and are freely available. You will need library access or a paid subscription to view the associated articles and the full text of the journal. Editorials and errata are always Open Access.


Volume 61#6 (2026)

Volume 61#5 (2026)

Volume 61#4 (2026)

Volume 61#3 (2026)

Volume 61#2 (2026)

Volume 61#1 (2026)

Volume 60#6 (2025)

Volume 60#5 (2025)

Volume 60#4 (2025)

Volume 60#3 (2025)

Volume 60#2 (2025)

Volume 60#1 (2025)

Volume 59#6 (2024)

Volume 59#5 (2024)

Volume 59#4 (2024)

Volume 59#3 (2024)

Special Issue: Child Mental Health

Volume 59#2 (2024)

Volume 59#1 (2024)

Volume 58#6 (2023)

Volume 58#5 (2023)

Volume 58#4 (2023)

Volume 58#3 (2023)

Volume 58#2 (2023)

Volume 58#1 (2023)

Volume 57#6 (2022)

Volume 57#5 (2022)

Volume 57#4 (2022)

Volume 57#3 (2022)

Special Issue: Monopsony

Volume 57#2 (2022)

Volume 57#1 (2022)

Volume 56#4 (Fall 2021)

Volume 56#3 (Summer 2021)

Volume 56#2 (Spring 2021)

Volume 56#1 (Winter 2021)

Volume 55#4 (Fall 2020)

Volume 55#3 (Summer 2020)

Volume 55#2 (Spring 2020)

Volume 55#1 (Winter 2020)

Volume 54#4 (Fall 2019)

Volume 54#3 (Summer 2019)

Volume 54#2 (Spring 2019)

Volume 54#1 (Winter 2019)

Volume 53#4 (Fall 2018)

Volume 53#3 (Summer 2018)

Volume 53#2 (Spring 2018)

Volume 53#1 (Winter 2018)

Volume 52#4 (Fall 2017)

Volume 52#3 (Summer 2017)

Volume 52#2 (Spring 2017)

Volume 52#1 (Winter 2017)

Volume 51#4 (Fall 2016)

Volume 51#3 (Summer 2016)

Volume 51#2 (Spring 2016)

Volume 51#1 (Winter 2016)

Volume 50#4 (Fall 2015)

Volume 50#3 (Summer 2015)

Volume 50#2 (Spring 2015)

Volume 50#1 (Winter 2015)

Volume 49#4 (Fall 2014)

Volume 49#3 (Summer 2014)

Volume 49#2 (Spring 2014)

Volume 48#4 (Fall 2013)

Volume 48#3 (Summer 2013)

Volume 47#2 (Spring 2012)

Volume 46#3 (Summer 2011)

Volume 45#1 (Winter 2010)

Volume 43#4 (Fall 2008)

Volume 43#2 (Spring 2008)

Volume 42 (2007)

Volume 39 (2004)




Volume 61#6 (2026)

The Effect of Unemployment Insurance Benefits on (Self-)Employment: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Sebastian Camarero Garcia and Michelle Hansch

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The Effect of High Dismissal Protection on Bureaucratic Turnover and Productivity
Ricardo Estrada and María Lombardi

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Longer Time for School: The 1981 Marriage Law and Rural Female Education in China
Lin Zhang

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Volume 61#5 (2026)

The Impact of Fertility Relaxation on the Gender Wage Gap
Sumit Agarwal, Keyang Li, Yu Qin, Jing Wu, and Jubo Yan

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Implementing Home-Based Educational Interventions at Scale
Simon Calmar Andersen and Ulrik Hvidman

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Who Paid Los Angeles' Minimum Wage? A Side-by-Side Minimum Wage Experiment in Los Angeles County
Christopher Esposito, Edward Leamer, and Jerry Nickelsburg

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Can Expanding Contraceptive Access Reduce Adverse Infant Health Outcomes?
James Flynn

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A Peace Baby Boom? Evidence from Colombia's Peace Agreement
María Elvira Guerra-Cújar, Mounu Premz, Paul Rodríguez-Lesmes, and Juan F. Vargas

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Firm and Worker Responses to Extensions in Paid Maternity Leave
Cecilia Machado, Valdemar Neto, and Christiane Szerman

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Do Skilled Migrants Compete with Native Workers? Analysis of a Selective Immigration Policy
Sara Signorelli

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COVID-19 Learning Loss and Recovery: Panel data evidence from India
Abhijeet Singh, Mauricio Romero, and Karthik Muralidharan

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Volume 61#4 (2026)

The Effect of Vaccine Mandates on Disease Spread: Evidence from College COVID-19 Mandatese
Riley K. Acton, Wenjia Cao, Emily E. Cook, Scott A. Imberman, and Michael F. Lovenheim

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The Intergenerational Effects of Marital Transfers: Evidence from India
Bilal Ahmad Bhat and Sounak Thakur

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College Choice, Private Options, and the Incidence of Public Investment in Higher Education
John Bound and Andrew Simon

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College Summer School: Educational Benefits and Enrollment Preferences
Andy Brownback and Sally Sadoff

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Specialization in Criminal Courts: Decision Making, Recidivism, and Re-victimization in Domestic Violence Courts in Tennessee
Aria Golestani, Emily Owens, and Kerri Raissian

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Schools, Job Flexibility, and Married Women's Labor Supply
Benjamin Hansen, Joseph J. Sabia, and Jessamyn Schaller

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Provider Effects in Antibiotic Prescribing: Evidence from Physician Exits
Shan Huang and Hannes Ullrich

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Teacher Strikes as Public Signals: Impacts on Political Campaigns and Public Education Funding
Melissa Arnold Lyon and Matthew A. Kraft

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The Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty and Public Assistance–Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit
Nicardo McInnis, Katherine Michelmore, and Natasha Pilkauskas2

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Volume 61#3 (2026)

Return Migration Decisions and Declining Earnings: Immigrants in Linked Survey and Administrative Data
Randall Akee and Maggie R. Jones

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Prison Rehabilitation Programs and Recidivism: Evidence from Variations in Availability
William Arbour, Guy Lacroix, Steeve Marchand

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No Place Like Home: Long-Run Impacts of Early Child Health and Family Planning on Labor and Migration Outcomes
Tania Barham, Randall Kuhn, and Patrick S. Turner

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Labor Market Concentration, Wages and Job Security in Europe
Andrea Bassanini, Giulia Bovini, Eve Caroli, Jorge Casanova Ferrando, Federico Cingano, Paolo Falco, Florentino Felgueroso, Marcel Jansen, Pedro S. Martins, António Melo, Michael Oberfichtner, and Martin Popp

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Discrimination and Daycare Choice: Evidence from a Randomized Survey
Mongoljin Batsaikhan, Mette Gørtz, John Kennes, Ran Sun Lyng, Daniel Monte, and Norovsambuu Tumennasan

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Occupational Licensing and the Healthcare Labor Market
Marcus Dillender, Anthony T. Lo Sasso, Brian J. Phelan, and Michael Richards

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Student Accountability, Exit Exams, and Long-Run Outcomes
Ozkan Eren and Orgul Ozturk

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How Can Paid Maternity Leave Boost Female Entrepreneurship?
Sébastien Fontenay

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Automation and Human Capital Adjustment: The Effect of Robots on College Enrollment
Giuseppe Di Giacomo and Benjamin Lerch

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Volume 61#2 (2026)

The Lock-in Effects of Information on Part-time Unemployment Benefits
Hélène Benghalem, Pierre Cahuc, and Pierre Villedieu

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The Impact of High School Financial Education on Financial Knowledge and Saving Choices: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Spain
Olympia Bover, Laura Hospido, and Ernesto Villanueva

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War-Driven Permanent Emigration, Sex Ratios, and Female Labor Force Participation
Ana Rute Cardoso and Louis-Philippe Morin

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Testing Attrition Bias in Field Experiments
Dalia Ghanem, Sarojini Hirshleifer, and Karen Ortiz-Beccera

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Beyond Nature and Nurture: The Impact of China’s Compulsory Schooling Law on Selection against High-Risk Fetuses
Wei Huang, Xiaoyan Lei, Guangjun Shen, and Ang Sun

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Impact of Raising the Retirement Age on Firms
Stefan Hut

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Hours Constraints and Wage Differentials across Firms
Claudio Labanca and Dario Pozzoli

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Clearing Up Transfer Admission Standards: The Impact on Access and Outcomes
Lena Shi

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Who Benefits from a Smaller Honors Track?
Zachary Szlendak and Richard Mansfield

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Volume 61#1 (2026)

The Impact of NAFTA on U.S. Local Labor Market Employment
Felipe Benguria

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“There She Is, Your Ideal”: Negative Social Comparisons and Health Behaviors
Christopher S. Carpenter and Brandyn F. Churchill

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Does Immigration Improve Quality of Care in Nursing Homes?
Delia Furtado and Francesc Ortega

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Can Abortion Mitigate Transitory Shocks? Demographic Consequences under Son Preference
Jaehyun Jung

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Minimum Wage, Employment, and Margins of Adjustment: Evidence from Employer-Employee Matched Panel Data
Jungmin Lee and Geumbi Park

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Efficient Targeting in Childhood Interventions
Alexander Paul, Dorthe Bleses, and Michael Rosholm

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First Impressions Matter: Evidence from Elementary-School Teachers
Marcos A. Rangel and Ying Shi

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The Effect of Fraternity Moratoriums on Alcohol Offenses and Sexual Assaults
Michael Topper

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Training Teachers for Diversity Awareness: Impact on School Outcomes of Refugee Children
Semih Tumen, Michael Vlassopoulosz, and Jackline Wahba

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Volume 60#6 (2025)

Free Movement of Workers and Native Demand for Tertiary Education
Mirjam Bächli and Teodora Tsankova

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Public Insurance Expansions and Labor Demand in Physician Practices
Hilary Barnes, Alice J. Chen, Matthew D. McHugh, and Michael R. Richards

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What Knox Achieved: Estimated Effects of Tuition-free Community College on Attainment and Earnings
Celeste K. Carruthers, William F. Fox, and Christopher Jepsen

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Early-life Exposure to the Great Depression and Long-term Health and Economic Outcomes
Valentina Duque and Lauren L. Schmitz

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A Watershed Moment: The Clean Water Act and Birth Weight
Patrick Flynn and Michelle Marcus

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Parental Education and the Responses to Higher SAT Scores
Georg Graetz, Björn Öckert, and Oskar Nordström Skans

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Does the Gender Wage Gap Influence Intimate Partner Violence in Brazil? Evidence from Administrative Health Data
Elizaveta Perova, Sarah Reynolds, and Ian Schmutte

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The High Stakes of Bad Exams
Jack Rossiter, Might Kojo Abreh, Aisha Ali, and Justin Sandefur

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The Response of Firms to Maternity Leave and Sickness Absence
Ian M. Schmutte and Meghan M. Skira

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How Do Mass Shootings Affect Community Wellbeing?
Aparna Soni and Erdal Tekin

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Volume 60#5 (2025)

Dreamers and Beyond: Examining the Broader Educational Effects of DACA
Briana Ballis

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Are Children’s Socio-Emotional Skills Shaped by Parental Health Shocks?
Esteban Garcia-Miralles and Miriam Gensowski

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Air Filters, Pollution, and Student Achievement
Michael Gilraine

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Unintended Consequences of a Well-Intentioned Policy: Impact of Credit on Child Labor in Bangladesh
Md Amzad Hossain

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Endogenous Driving Behavior in Tests of Racial Profiling
Jesse J. Kalinowski, Matthew B. Ross, and Stephen L. Ross

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The Effect of Open-Air Waste Burning on Infant Health: Evidence from Government Failure in Lebanon
Pierre Mouganie, Ruba Ajeeb, and Mark Hoekstra

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Television and the Labor Supply: Evidence from the Digital Television Transition in the UK
Adrián Nieto

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Female Executives and the Motherhood Penalty
Seth Murray, Danielle H. Sandler, and Matthew Staiger

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Access to Pensions, Old-Age Support, and Child Investment in China
Xiaoyue Shan and Albert Park

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The Effect of Risk Assessment Scores on Judicial Behavior and Defendant Outcomes
CarlyWill Sloan, George Naufal, and Heather Caspers

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Volume 60#4 (2025)

Workplace Presenteeism, Job Substitutability and Gender Inequality
Ghazala Azmat, Lena Hensvik, and Olof Rosenqvist

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Reducing Parent-School Information Gaps and Improving Education Outcomes: Evidence from High-Frequency Text Messages
Samuel Berlinski, Matias Busso, Taryn Dinkelman, and Claudia Martinez A.

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The Power of Lakshmi: Monetary Incentives for Raising a Girl
Nabaneeta Biswas, Christopher Cornwell, and Laura V. Zimmermann

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Medication of Postpartum Depression and Maternal Outcomes: Evidence from Geographic Variation in Dutch Prescribing*
Janet Currie and Esmée Zwiers

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Fatherless: The Long-Term Effects of Losing a Father in the U.S. Civil War
Yannick Dupraz and Andreas Ferrara

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Can Information Enhanced with Nudges Mitigate the Rise of Childhood Obesity in the Global South?
Pham Khanh Nam, Brandon J. Restrepo, Matthias Rieger, and Natascha Wagner

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Human Capital Development: New Evidence on the Production of Socio-Emotional Skills
Mark Mitchell, Marta Favara, Catherine Porter, and Alan Sánchez

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The Income-Achievement Gap and Adult Outcome Inequality
Eric Nielsen

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Fiscal and Education Spillovers from Charter School Expansion
Matthew Ridley and Camille Terrier

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Beyond the “Old Boys’ Network”: Social Networks and Job Finding at Community Colleges
Maria Zhu

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Volume 60#3 (2025)

Information Integration, Coordination Failures, and Quality of Prescribing
Petri Böckerman, Liisa T. Laine, Mikko Nurminen, and Tanja Saxell

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Black Lives Matter Protests and Risk Avoidance: The Case of Civil Unrest During a Pandemic
Dhaval Dave, Andrew Friedson, Kyutaro Matsuzawa, Joseph J. Sabia, and Samuel Safford

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Teacher Performance-Based Incentives and Learning Inequality
Deon Filmer, James Habyarimana, and Shwetlena Sabarwal

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Interactions between Family and School Environments: Access to Abortion and Selective Schools
Leonard Goff, Ofer Malamud, Cristian Pop-Eleches, and Miguel Urquiola

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The Effects of Sexism on American Women: The Role of Norms vs. Discrimination
Kerwin Kofi Charles, Jonathan Guryan, and Jessica Pan

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A Thousand Cuts: Cumulative Lead Exposure Reduces Academic Achievement
Alex Hollingsworth, Jiafang Mike Huang, Ivan Rudik, and Nicholas J. Sanders

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The Effects of Education on Health: An Intergenerational Perspective
Mathias Huebener

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The Effects of the Opioid Crisis on Employment: Evidence from Labor Market Flows
Anita Mukherjee, Daniel W. Sacks, and Hoyoung Yoo

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Too Scared for School? Effects of Terrorism on Students’ Achievement
Adi Shany

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Volume 60#2 (2025)

Where versus What: College Value-Added and Returns to Field of Study in Further Education
Esteban M. Aucejo, Claudia Hupkau, and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela

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The Effects of Need-Based Financial Aid on Employment and Earnings: Experimental Evidence from the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars
Deven Carlson, Alex Schmidt, Sarah Souders, and Barbara Wolfe

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Early Skill Effects on Parental Beliefs, Investments and Children Long-Run Outcomes
Pablo Celhay and Sebastian Gallegos

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The Interplay between Maternal Smoking and Genes in Offspring Birth Weight
Rita Dias Pereira, Cornelius A. Rietveld, and Hans van Kippersluis

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Jobs and Intimate Partner Violence - Evidence from a Field Experiment in Ethiopia
Andreas Kotsadam and Espen Villanger

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Labor Market Effects of Open Borders: Evidence from the Finnish Construction Sector after EU Enlargement
Isa Kuosmanen and Jaakko Meriläinen

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Childhood Confidence, Schooling, and the Labor Market: Evidence from the PSID
Lucy Page and Hannah Ruebeck

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Premium or Penalty? Labor Market Returns to Novice Public Sector Teachers
Juan Esteban Saavedra, Dario Maldonado, Lucrecia Santibañez, Luis Omar Herrera-Prada

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The child health impacts of coal: Evidence from India’s coal expansion
Sangita Vyas

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Volume 60#1 (2025)

Beyond Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic: The Role of Teachers and Schools in Reporting Child Maltreatment
Cassandra Benson, Maria D. Fitzpatrick, and Samuel Bondurant

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The Great Recession's Baby-less Recovery: The Role of Unintended Births
Kasey Buckles, Melanie Guldi, and Lucie Schmidt

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Beyond Treatment Exposure-The Impact of the Timing of Early Interventions on Child and Maternal Health
Jonas Cuzulan Hirani, Hans Henrik Sievertsen, and Miriam Wust

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Suddenly Married: Joint Taxation and the Labor Supply of Same-Sex Married Couples After U.S. v. Windsori
Elliott Isaac

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Lifetime and intergenerational consequences of poor childhood health
Krzysztof Karbownik and Anthony Wray

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Labor Market Experience and Returns to College Education in Fast Growing Economies
Hongbin Li, James Liang, and Binzhen Wu

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Stacking the Deck for Employment Success: Labor Market Returns to Stackable Credentials
Katharine E. Meyer, Kelli A. Bird, and Benjamin L. Castleman

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The Effects of Increasing the Eligibility Age for Public Pension on Individual Labor Supply: Evidence from Japan
Nobuhiko Nakazawa

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Managing Long Working Hours: Evidence from a Management Practice Survey
Mari Tanaka, Taisuke Kameda, Takuma Kawamoto, Shigeru Sugihara, and Ryo Kambayashi**

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A Field Experiment on Labor Market Speeddates for Unemployed Workers
Bas van der Klaauw and Lennart Ziegler

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Volume 59#6 (2024)

Cultural Norms and Neighborhood Exposure: Impacts on the Gender Gap in Math
Sanna Bergvall

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The Effect of Employment Protection on Firms’ Worker Selection
Sebastian Butschek and Jan Sauermann

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The Effects of Sun Intensity during Pregnancy and in the First 12 Months of Life on Childhood Obesity
Christian Dustmann, Malte Sandner, and Uta Schönberg

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Comparative Advantage and Gender Gap in STEM
Sofoklis Goulas, Silvia Griselda, and Rigissa Megalokonomou

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Investing in Health and Public Safety: Childhood Medicaid Eligibility and Later Life Criminal Behavior
Logan Hendrix and Wendy A. Stock

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Fertility Policy Adjustments and Female Labor Supply: Estimation of Marginal Treatment Effect Using Chinese Census Data
Shenglong Liu, Tianyu Jin, Meng Li, Shaojie Zhou

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Voting and Political Participation in the Aftermath of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Hani Mansour and James Reeves

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The Economic Impact of Migrants from Hurricane Maria
Giovanni Peri, Derek Rury, and Justin C. Wiltshire

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Can Transfers and Complementary Nutrition Programming Reduce Intimate Partner Violence Four Years Post-program? Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh
Shalini Roy, Melissa Hidrobo, John Hoddinott, Bastien Koch, and Akhter Ahmed

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Import Competition and the Gender Employment Gap in China
Feicheng Wang, Krisztina Kis-Katos, Minghai Zhou

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Volume 59#5 (2024)

Can Early Intervention have a Sustained Effect on Human Capital?
Orla Doyle

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Unintended Consequences of Immigration Enforcement: Household Services and High-Educated Mothers’ Work
Chloe N. East and Andrea Velásquez

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Early Labor Market Prospects and Family Formation
Mattias Engdahl, Mathilde Godard, and Oskar Nordström Skans

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Direct and Spillover Effects of Enforcing Labor Standards: Evidence from Argentina
Brian Feld

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Pricing Children, Curbing Daughters: Fertility and the Sex Ratio During China’s One-Child Policy
Jorge Luis Garcia

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Application and Award Responses to Stricter Screening in Disability Insurance
Mathilde Godard, Pierre Koning, and Maarten Lindeboom

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Vocational versus General Upper Secondary Education and Earnings
Eskil Heinesen and Elise Stenholdt Lange

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Employment Effects of the Unemployment Insurance Tax Base
Po-Chun Huang

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Nudging Demand for Academic Support Services: Experimental and Structural Evidence from Higher Education
Todd Pugatch and Nicholas Wilson

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Teamwork and Human Capital Development
Chunchao Wang, Aiping Xiao, and Yu Zhou

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Volume 59#4 (2024)

School Choice and Educational Mobility: Lessons from Secondary School Applications in Ghana
Kehinde F. Ajayi

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Does Federally-Funded Job Training Work? Nonexperimental Estimates of WIA Training Impacts Using Longitudinal Data on Workers and Firms
Fredrik Andersson, Harry J. Holzer, Julia I. Lane, David Rosenblum, and Jeffrey Smith

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There's Always Room for Improvement: The Persistent Benefits of a Large-scale Teacher Evaluation System
Simon Briole and Éric Maurin

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Who Benefits from Cash-for-Care? The Effects of a Home Care Subsidy on Maternal Employment, Childcare Choices, and Children’s Development
Matthias Collischon, Daniel Kuehnle, Michael Oberfichtner

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School Schedule and the Gender Pay Gap
Emma Duchini and Clémentine Van Effenterre

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Hassles and Environmental Health Screenings: Evidence from Lead Tests in Illinois
Ludovica Gazze

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Supplemental Security Income for Children, Maternal Labor Supply, and Family Well-Being: Evidence from Birth Weight Eligibility Cutoffs
Melanie Guldi, Amelia Hawkins, Jeffrey Hemmeter, and Lucie Schmidt

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Do Microcredentials Help New Workers Enter the Market? Evidence from an Online Labor Platform
Otto Kässi and Vili Lehdonvirta

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Are Two Teachers Better Than One? The Effect of Co-Teaching on Students With and Without Disabilities
Nathan Jones and Marcus A. Winters

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“Whose help is on the way?” The Importance of Individual Police Officers in Law Enforcement Outcomes
Emily K. Weisburst

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Volume 59#3 (2024)

The Impact of Academic Probation: Do Intensive Interventions Help?
Aaron Albert and Nathan Wozny

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Divergent: The Time Path of Legacy and Athlete Admissions at Harvard
Peter Arcidiacono, Josh Kinsler, and Tyler Ransom

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An Experimental Evaluation of Culturally Enriching Field Trips
Heidi H. Erickson, Angela R. Watson, and Jay P. Greene

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The Name Says It All: Multigenerational Social Mobility in Basel (Switzerland), 1550–2019
Melanie Häner and Christoph A. Schaltegger

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Breaking from the Starting Gate on the Right Foot: Employment Effects of an Investment in Human Capital
Agata Maida and Daniela Sonedda

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Did Expanding Sports Opportunities for Women Reduce Crime? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Drew McNichols, Joseph J. Sabia, and Gokhan Kumpas

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Spillover Bias in Multigenerational Income Regressions
Jørgen Modalsli and Kelly Vosters

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Inconsistent Retirement Timing
Christoph Merkle, Philipp Schreiber, and Martin Weber

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Physician Health Management Skills and Patient Outcomes
Emilia Simeonova, Niels Skipper, and Peter Rønø Thingholm

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Selected Fertility and Racial Inequality
Owen Thompson

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Special Issue: Child Mental Health

Child Mental Health, Family Circumstance, and Long-Term Success: The Effect of Household Income
Randall Akee, William Copeland, and Emilia Simeonova

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Domestic Violence Reports and the Mental Health and Well-being of Victims and Their Children
Manudeep Bhuller, Gordon B. Dahl, Katrine V. Løken, and Magne Mogstad

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(Breaking) Intergenerational Transmission of Mental Health
Aline Butikofer, Rita Ginja, Krzysztof Karbownik, and Fanny Landaud

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To What Extent are Trends in Teen Mental Health Driven by Changes in Reporting? The Example of Suicide-Related Hospital Visits
Adriana Corredor-Waldron and Janet Currie

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Adverse Impacts of Mental Health Needs Assessment on Jail Outcomes: Evidence from Transition Age Youth and Adults
Scott Cunningham, Jonathan A. Seward, Karen Clay, and Vivian S. Vigliotti

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Societal Disruptions and Childhood ADHD Diagnosis during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Seth Freedman, Kelli Marquardt, Dario Salcedo, Kosali Simon, and Coady Wing

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Effects of School-Based Mental Health Services on Youth Outcomes
Ezra Golberstein, Irina Zainullina, Aaron Sojourner, and Mark A. Sander

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In-Person Schooling and Youth Suicide: Evidence from School Calendars and Pandemic School Closures
Benjamin Hansen, Joseph J. Sabia, and Jessamyn Schaller

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The Effect of Household Earnings on Child School Mental Health Designations: Evidence from Administrative Data
Lauren Jones, Mark Stabile, Kourtney Koebel, and Jill Furzer

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Trajectories of Early Childhood Skill Development and Maternal Mental Health
Dilek Sevim, Victoria Baranov, Sonia Bhalotra, Joanna Maselko, and Pietro Biroli

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Improving Mental Health of Adolescent Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Causal Evidence from Life Skills Programming
Manisha Shah, Sarah Baird, Jennifer Seager, Benjamin Avuwadah, Joan Hamory, Shwetlena Sabarwal, and Amita Vyas

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Volume 59#2 (2024)

Do Workers Discriminate against Female Bosses?
Martin Abel

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Robots, Marriageable Men, Family, and Fertility
Massimo Anelli, Osea Giuntella, and Luca Stella

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Annika B. Bergbauer, Eric A. Hanushek, and Ludger Woessmann

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Too Many Men, Too-Short Lives: The Effect of the Male-Biased Sex Ratio on Mortality
Simon Chang, Kamhon Kan, and Xiaobo Zhang

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Boom Town Business Dynamics
Ryan A. Decker, Meagan McCollum, and Gregory B. Upton Jr.

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Parental Labor Supply: Evidence from Minimum Wage Changes
Anna Godøy, Michael Reich, Jesse Wursten, and Sylvia Allegretto

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Home Location Choices and the Gender Commute Gap
Yizhen Gu, Naijia Guo, Jing Wu, and Ben Zou

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How Does Visitation Affect Incarcerated Persons and Their Families? Estimates Using Exogenous Variation in Visits Driven by Distance Between Home and Prison
Lars Højsgaard Andersen, Maria Fitzpatrick, and Christopher Wildeman

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The Effects of a Structured Curriculum on Preschool Effectiveness: A Field Experiment
Mari Rege, Ingunn Størksen, Ingeborg F. Solli, Ariel Kalil, Megan M. McClelland, Dieuwer ten Braak, Ragnhild Lenes, Svanaug Lunde, Svanhild Breive, Martin Carlsen, Ingvald Erfjord, and Per Sigurd Hundeland

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Access to Colleges, Human Capital, and Empowerment of Women
Sheetal Sekhri, Md Amzad Hossain, and Pooja Khosla

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Volume 59#1 (2024)

Remedial Education: Evidence from a Sequence of Experiments in Colombia
Horacio Alvarez-Marinelli, Samuel Berlinski, and Matias Busso

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The Impact of Opioids on the Labor Market: Evidence from Drug Rescheduling
David Beheshti

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Detecting and Preventing Cheating in Exams: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Tobias Cagala, Ulrich Glogowsky, and Johannes Rincke

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Performance Information and Personnel Decisions in the Public Sector: The Case of School Principals
Julie Berry Cullen, Eric A. Hanushek, Gregory Phelan, and Steven G. Rivkin

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Did Craigslist’s Erotic Services Reduce Female Homicide and Rape?
Scott Cunningham, Gregory DeAngelo, and John Tripp

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Agricultural Productivity and Fertility Rates: Evidence from the Oil Palm Boom in Indonesia
Esther Gehrke and Christoph Kubitza

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Obstacles on the Road to School: The Impacts of Mobility Restrictions on Educational Performance
Sami Miaari and Ines Lee

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Age Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from Age-Blind vs. Non-Age-Blind Hiring Procedures
David Neumark

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Savings Accounts to Borrow Less: Experimental Evidence from Chile1
Dina Pomeranz and Felipe Kast

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Victimization and Skill Accumulation: The Case of School Bullying
Miguel Sarzosa

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Volume 58#6 (2023)

The Effect of Quarantining Welfare on School Attendance in Indigenous Communities
Deborah A. Cobb-Clark, Nathan Kettlewell, Stefanie Schurer, and Sven Silburn

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Declining Outmigration and Local Labor Markets
Emily Conover, Melanie Khamis, and Sarah Pearlman

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STEM Graduates and Secondary School Curriculum: Does Early Exposure to Science Matter?
Marta De Philippis

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The Role of Parental Wealth and Income in Financing Children's College Attendance and Its Consequences
V. Joseph Hotz, Emily Wiemers, Joshua Rasmussen, and Kate Maxwell Koegel

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Public Investments in Early Childhood Education and Academic Performance: Evidence from Head Start in Texas
Esra Kose

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Labor Market Signaling and the Value of College: Evidence from Resumes and the Truth
Daniel Kreisman, Jonathan Smith, and Bondi Arifin

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Undocumented and Under Threat of Deportation: Immigrant Students in the Classroom
Benjamin Meadows

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Volume 58#5 (2023)

The Minimum Wage, EITC, and Criminal Recidivism
Amanda Y. Agan and Michael D. Makowsky

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Increasing Retirement Savings through Access Points and Persuasive Messages: Evidence from Mexico
Mariano Bosch and Adrian Rubli

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The Growing Importance of Social Tasks in High-Paying Occupations: Implications for Sorting
Guido Matias Cortes, Nir Jaimovich, and Henry E. Siu

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The Effects of After-School Programs on Maternal Employment
Fabian T. Dehos and Marie Paul

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Dynamics of the Gender Gap in High Math Achievement
Glenn Ellison and Ashley Swanson

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Setting a Good Example? Examining Sibling Spillovers in Educational Achievement Using a Regression Discontinuity Design
Krzysztof Karbownik and Umut Özek

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Taken by Storm: The Effects of Hurricane Katrina on Medium-Term Student Outcomes in New Orleans
Douglas N. Harris and Matthew F. Larsen

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Selection into Identification in Fixed Effects Models, with Application to Head Start
Douglas L. Miller, Na'ama Shenhav, and Michel Grosz

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The Lost Generation? Labor Market Outcomes for Post Great Recession Entrants
Jesse Rothstein

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Volume 58#4 (2023)

Human Capital Accumulation and Disasters: Evidence from the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005
Tahir Andrabi, Benjamin Daniels, and Jishnu Das

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Distributional Effects of Education on Health
Silvia H. Barcellos, Leandro S. Carvalho, and Patrick Turley

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Risk Attitudes, Investment Behavior, and Linguistic Variation
Juliana Bernhofer, Francesco Costantini, and Matija Kovacic

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The Minimum Legal Drinking Age and Crime Victimization
Aaron Chalfin, Benjamin Hansen, and Rachel Ryley

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Long-Term Gains from Longer School Days
Patricio Dominguez and Krista Ruffini

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Admissions Policies, Cohort Composition, and Academic Success: Evidence from California
Michel Grosz

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Peer Discrimination in the Classroom and Academic Achievement
Andrew J. Hill and Weina Zhou

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Social Interventions, Health, and Wellbeing: The Long-term and Intergenerational Effects of a School Construction Program
Bhashkar Mazumder, Maria Fernanda Rosales-Rueda, and Margaret Triyana

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Timing Matters: Evidence from College Major Decisions
Richard W. Patterson, Nolan G. Pope, and Aaron Feudo

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Publish or Perish: Selective Attrition as a Unifying Explanation for Patterns in Innovation over the Career
Huifeng Yu, Gerald Marschke, Matthew B. Ross, Joseph Staudt, and Bruce Weinberg

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Volume 58#3 (2023)

Does Enrollment Lead to Completion? Measuring Adjustments in Education to Local Labor Market Shocks
Ramiro Burga and Sarah Turner

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Making Big Decisions: The Impact of Moves on Marriage among U.S. Army Personnel
Susan Payne Carter and Abigail Wozniak

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Socialized Healthcare and Women’s Fertility Decisions
Resul Cesur, Pinar Mine Gunes, Erdal Tekin, and Aydogan Ulker

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Natural Disasters and Early Human Development: Hurricane Catarina and Infant Health in Brazil
Victor Hugo de Oliveira, Ines Lee, and Climent Quintana-Domeque

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Cash Transfers and Fertility: How the Introduction and Cancellation of a Child Benefit Affected Births and Abortions
Libertad González and Sofia Karina Trommlerová

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Multigenerational Persistence: Evidence from 146 Years of Administrative Data
Jørgen Modalsli

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The Human Capital Peace Dividend
Mounu Prem, Juan F. Vargas, and Olga Namen

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Where Have All My Siblings Gone?
Steven Stern

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The Unintended Consequences of Informal Child Care Subsidies for Older Women’s Retirement Security
Yulya Truskinovsky

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Price Consciousness at the Peak of "Impatience"
Mary Zaki and Jessica E. Todd

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Volume 58#2 (2023)

First and Second Generation Impacts of the Biafran War
Richard Akresh, Sonia Bhalotra, Marinella Leone, and Una Osili

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High-Ability Influencers? The Heterogeneous Effects of Gifted Classmates
Simone Balestra, Aurélien Sallin, and Stefan C. Wolter

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School Principal Race, Teacher Racial Diversity, and Student Achievement
Brendan Bartanen and Jason A. Grissom

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The Impact of Advisor Gender on Female Students’ STEM Enrollment and Persistence
Serena Canaan and Pierre Mouganie

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Is Supported Employment Effective for Young Adults with Disability Pension? Evidence from a Swedish Randomized Evaluation
Mattias Fogelgren, Petra Ornstein, Magnus Rödin, and Peter Skogman Thoursie

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Are Resource Booms a Blessing or a Curse? Evidence from People (not Places)
Grant D. Jacobsen, Dominic P. Parker, and Justin B. Winikoff

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The Effect of Education on Mortality and Health: Evidence from a Schooling Expansion in Romania
Ofer Malamud, Andreea Mitrut, and Cristian Pop-Eleches

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Efficiency Versus Equity in the Provision of In-Kind Benefits: Evidence from Cost Containment in the California WIC Program
Katherine Meckel, Maya Rossin-Slater, and Lindsey Uniat

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Examining the Educational Spillover Effects of Severe Natural Disasters: The Case of Hurricane Maria
Umut Özek

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Volume 58#1 (2023)

The Economics of Hypergamy
Ingvild Almås, Andreas Kotsadam, Espen R. Moen, and Knut Røed

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Food for thought? Experimental Evidence on the Learning Impacts of a Large-Scale School Feeding Program
Elisabetta Aurino, Aulo Gelli, Clement Adamba, Isaac Osei-Akoto, and Harold Alderman

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Fighting Crime in the Cradle: The Effects of Early Childhood Access to Nutritional Assistance
Andrew Barr and Alexander A. Smith

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Will You Marry Me, Later? Age-of-Marriage Laws and Child Marriage in Mexico
Cristina Bellés-Obrero and María Lombardi

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The Impact of Health on Labor Supply Near Retirement
Richard Blundell, Jack Britton, Monica Costa Dias, and Eric French

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Does Universal Preschool Hit the Target? Program Access and Preschool Impacts
Elizabeth U. Cascio

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Who Benefits From Free Health Insurance: Evidence from Mexico
Gabriella Conti and Rita Ginja

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Risk Attitudes and Household Migration Decisions
Christian Dustmann, Francesco Fasani, Xin Meng, and Luigi Minale

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Social Networks, Ethnicity, and Entrepreneurship
William R. Kerr and Martin Mandorff

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Heterogeneous Impact of the Minimum Wage: Implications for Changes in Between- and Within-Group Inequality
Tatsushi Oka and Ken Yamada

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Volume 57#6 (2022)

Parental Beliefs about Returns to Different Types of Investments in School Children
Orazio Attanasio, Teodora Boneva, and Christopher Rauh

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Early-Life Exposure to Tap Water and the Development of Cognitive Skills
Yvonne Jie Chen, Li Li, and Yun Xiao

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The Long-Run Effects of Cesarean Sections
Ana Costa-Ramón, Mika Kortelainen, Ana Rodríguez-González, and Lauri Sääksvuori

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Internal Migration, Education, and Intergenerational Mobility: Evidence from American History
Zachary Ward

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Grandparents, Moms, or Dads? Why Children of Teen Mothers Do Worse in Life
Anna Aizer, Paul Devereux, and Kjell Salvanes

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Relative Obesity and the Formation of Non-cognitive Abilities During Adolescence
Wei Huang, Elaine M. Liu, and C. Andrew Zuppann

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Parental Leave, (In)formal Childcare, and Long-Term Child Outcomes
Natalia Danzer, Martin Halla, Nicole Schneeweis, and Martina Zweimüller

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Gender Differences within the Firm: Evidence from Two Million Travelers
Javier D. Donna and Gregory F. Veramendi

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The Protestant Legacy: Missions, Gender, and Human Capital in India
Rossella Calvi, Lauren Hoehn-Velasco, and Federico G. Mantovanelli

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Volume 57#5 (2022)

Depression, Risk Preferences, and Risk-Taking Behavior
Deborah A. Cobb-Clark, Sarah C. Dahmann, and Nathan Kettlewell

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Errors in Survey Reporting and Imputation and their Effects on Estimates of Food Stamp Program Participation
Bruce D. Meyer, Nikolas Mittag, and Robert M. Goerge

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Conscientiousness, Extraversion, College Education, and Longevity of High-Ability Individuals
Peter A. Savelyev

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Conscription and Military Service: Do They Result in Future Violent and Non-Violent Incarcerations and Recidivism?
Xintong Wang and Alfonso Flores-Lagunes

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Grandmothers’ Labor Supply
Wolfgang Frimmel, Martin Halla, Bernhard Schmidpeter, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer

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Intergenerational Transmission of Maternal Health: Evidence from Cebu, the Philippines
Leah E. M. Bevis and Kira Villa

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Local Labor Markets and Human Capital Investments
Russell Weinstein

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Intergenerational Altruism and Retirement Transfers: Evidence from the Social Security Notch
Anita Mukherjee

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Hanging Out with the Usual Suspects: Neighborhood Peer Effects and Recidivism
Stephen B. Billings and Kevin T. Schnepel

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Volume 57#4 (2022)

Tough on Young Offenders: Harmful or Helpful?
Giulia Lotti

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Do Internships Pay Off? The Effects of Student Internships on Earnings
Shushanik Margaryan, Nils Saniter, Mathias Schumann, and Thomas Siedler

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Locus of Control and Investment in Training
Marco Caliendo, Deborah A. Cobb-Clark, Cosima Obst, Helke Seitz, and Arne Uhlendorff

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The Effect of Paid Sick Leave Mandates on Coverage, Work Absences, and Presenteeism
Kevin Callison and Michael F. Pesko

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Peers and Motivation at Work: Evidence from a Firm Experiment in Malawi
Lasse Brune, Eric Chyn, and Jason Kerwin

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How Do Medicaid Expansions Affect the Demand for Health Care Workers? Evidence from Vacancy Postings
Marcus Dillender

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Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Part-Time Employment: Early Evidence
Marcus Dillender, Carolyn J. Heinrich, and Susan Houseman

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The Missing Men: World War I and Female Labor Force Participation
Jörn Boehnke and Victor Gay

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Volume 57#3 (2022)

Greek Life, Academics, and Earnings
William E. Even and Austin C. Smith

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Does Pollution Drive Achievement? The Effect of Traffic Pollution on Academic Performance
Jennifer A. Heissel, Claudia Persico, and David Simon

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Screening through Activation? Differential Effects of a Youth Activation Program
Caroline Hall, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Linus Liljeberg, and Jukka Pirttilä

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Moving to Economic Opportunity: The Migration Response to the Fracking Boom
Riley Wilson

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Why are Low-Wage Workers Signing Noncompete Agreements?
Matthew S. Johnson and Michael Lipsitz

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The Short and Long-Run Effects of Attending the Schools that Parents Prefer
Diether W. Beuermann and C. Kirabo Jackson

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Long-Run Impacts of Intergovernmental Transfers
Irineu de Carvalho Filho and Stephan Litschig

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How Can Progressive Vouchers Help the Poor Benefit from School Choice? Evidence from the Chilean Voucher System
Josefa Aguirre

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Empowering Mothers and Enhancing Early Childhood Investment: Effect on Adults Outcomes and Children Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills
Victor Lavy, Giulia Lotti, and Zizhong Yan

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Universal Access to Free School Meals and Student Achievement: Evidence from the Community Eligibility Provision
Krista Ruffini

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Special Issue: Monopsony

Labor Market Polarization, Job Tasks and Monopsony Power
Ronald Bachmann, Gökay Demir, and Hanna Frings

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Locked In? The Enforceability of Covenants Not to Compete and the Careers of High-Tech Workers
Natarajan Balasubramanian, Jin Woo Chang, Mariko Sakakibara, Jagadeesh Sivadasan, and Evan Starr

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Monopsony in Movers: The Elasticity of Labor Supply to Firm Wage Policies
Ihsaan Bassier, Arindrajit Dube, and Suresh Naidu

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Labor Market Frictions and Moving Costs of the Employed and Unemployed
Tyler Ransom

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Labor Market Concentration, Earnings, and Inequality
Kevin Rinz

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Volume 57#2 (2022)

Knocking on Parents’ Doors: Regulation and Intergenerational Mobility
Sauro Mocetti, Giacomo Roma, and Enrico Rubolino

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Shackled to the Soil? Inherited Land, Birth Order, and Labor Mobility
A. Nilesh Fernando

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High Sex Ratios and Household Portfolio Choice in China
Wenchao Li, Changcheng Song, Shu Xu, and Junjian Yi

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Financial Inclusion, Shocks, and Poverty: Evidence from the Expansion of Mobile Money in Tanzania
Olukorede Abiona and Martin Foureaux Koppensteiner

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The Impact of Low-Ability Peers on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Outcomes: Random Assignment Evidence on the Effects and Operating Channels
Di Xu, Qing Zhang, Xuehan Zhou

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Heterogeneous Employment Effects of Job Search Programmes: A Machine Learning Approach
Michael C. Knaus, Michael Lechner, and Anthony Strittmatter

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In Sickness and in Health: Interaction Effects of State and Federal Health Insurance Coverage Mandates on Marriage of Young Adults
Scott Barkowski and Joanne Song McLaughlin

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Hot Temperature and High Stakes Performance
R. Jisung Park

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The Employment Effects of the Social Security Earnings Test
Alexander Gelber, Damon Jones, Daniel W. Sacks, and Jae Song

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How Much Does Marital Sorting Contribute to Intergenerational Socio-Economic Persistence?
Helena Holmlund

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Volume 57#1 (2022)

Low-Touch Attempts to Improve Time Management among Traditional and Online College Students
Philip Oreopoulos, Richard W. Patterson, Uros Petronijevic, and Nolan G. Pope

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Pre- and Post-Birth Components of Intergenerational Persistence in Health and Longevity: Lessons from a Large Sample of Adoptees
Evelina Björkegren, Mikael Lindahl, Mårten Palme, and Emilia Simeonova

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Impacts of State Aid for Non-Traditional Students on Educational and Labor Market Outcomes
Oded Gurantz

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Labor Supply Responses to Health Shocks: Evidence from High-Frequency Labor Market Data from Urban Ghana
Rachel Heath, Ghazala Mansuri, and Bob Rijkers

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Long-Term Educational Consequences of Vocational Training in Colombia: Impacts on Young Trainees and Their Relatives
Adriana Kugler, Maurice Kugler, Juan E. Saavedra, and Luis Omar Herrera-Prada

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Educator Incentives and Educational Triage in Rural Primary Schools
Daniel O. Gilligan, Naureen Karachiwalla, Ibrahim Kasirye, Adrienne M. Lucas, and Derek Neal

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The Effect of Mandatory Access Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on Foster Care Admissions
Rania Gihleb, Osea Giuntella, and Ning Zhang

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Teacher Pension Plan Incentives, Retirement Decisions, and Workforce Quality
Shawn Ni, Michael Podgursky, and Xiqian Wang

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How Do Peers Impact Learning? An Experimental Investigation of Peer-to-Peer Teaching and Ability Tracking
Erik O. Kimbrough, Andrew D. McGee, and Hitoshi Shigeoka

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Distinguishing Barriers to Insurance in Thai Villages
Cynthia Kinnan

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Volume 56#4 (Fall 2021)

Congestion Pricing, Air Pollution, and Children’s Health
Emilia Simeonova, Janet Currie, Peter Nilsson, and Reed Walker

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Is Informality Good for Business? The Impacts of IDP Inflows on Formal Firms
Sandra V. Rozo and Hernan Winkler

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Measuring Skills in Developing Countries
Rachid Laajaj and Karen Macours

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Targeted vs. General Education Investments: Evidence from Special Education and English Language Learners in Boston Charter Schools
Elizabeth Setren

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Is Compassion a Good Career Move? Nonprofit Earnings Differentials from Job Changes
Andrew C. Johnston and Carla Johnston

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Maxed Out? The Effect of Larger Student Loan Limits on Borrowing and Education Outcomes
Jeffrey T. Denning and Todd R. Jones

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Selling Crops Early to Pay for School: A Large-scale Natural Experiment in Malawi
Brian Dillon

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Health, Human Capital and Domestic Violence
Nicholas W. Papageorge, Gwyn C. Pauley, Mardge Cohen, Tracey E. Wilson, Barton H. Hamilton, and Robert A. Pollak

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Taxes and Adoptions from Foster Care: Evidence from The Federal Adoption Tax Credit
Margaret E. Brehm

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Volume 56#3 (Summer 2021)

The Sources of the Wage Losses of Displaced Workers: The Role of the Reallocation of Workers into Firms, Matches, and Job Titles
Pedro Raposo, Pedro Portugal, and Anabela Carneiro

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Measuring Social and Externality Benefits of Influenza Vaccination
Corey White

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Disparities and Discrimination in Student Discipline by Race and Family Income
Nathan Barrett, Andrew McEachin, Jonathan N. Mills, and Jon Valant

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Major Malfunction: A Field Experiment Correcting Undergraduates’ Beliefs about Salaries
John J. Conlon

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Gender Peer Effects on Students’ Academic and Noncognitive Outcomes: Evidence and Mechanisms
Jie Gong, Yi Lu, and Hong Song

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High-Stakes Grades and Student Behavior
Ulrik Hvidman and Hans Henrik Sievertsen

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The Labor Market Consequences of Receiving Disability Benefits During Childhood
Michael Levere

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Can Public Rankings Improve School Performance? Evidence from a Nationwide Reform in Tanzania
Jacobus Cilliers, Isaac M. Mbiti, Andrew Zeitlin

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Multigrading and Child Achievement
Gian Paolo Barbetta, Giuseppe Sorrenti, and Gilberto Turati

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Volume 56#2 (Spring 2021)

Guest Worker Programs and Human Capital Investment: The Bracero Program in Mexico, 1942–1964
Edward Kosack

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Household Incomes in Tax Data: Using Addresses to Move from Tax Unit to Household Income Distributions
Jeff Larrimore, Jacob Mortenson, and David Splinter

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Engaging Teachers: Measuring the Impact of Teachers on Student Attendance in Secondary School
Jing Liu and Susanna Loeb

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Workfare and Human Capital Investment: Evidence from India
Manisha Shah and Bryce Millett Steinberg

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Leadership Experiences, Labor Market Entry, and Early Career Trajectories
Martin Lundin, Oskar Nordström Skans and Pär Zetterberg

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Does Education Affect Attitudes towards Immigration? Evidence from Germany
Shushanik Margaryan, Annemarie Paul, and Thomas Siedler

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The Effects of Local Industrial Pollution on Students and Schools
Claudia L. Persico and Joanna Venator

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Firms and Skills: The Evolution of Worker Sorting
Christina Håkanson, Erik Lindqvist and Jonas Vlachos

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Medicaid Benefit Generosity and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Medicaid Adult Vision Benefits
Michel H. Boudreaux and Brandy J. Lipton

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Volume 56#1 (Winter 2021)

Can Introducing Single-Sex Education into Low-Performing Schools Improve Academics, Arrests, and Teen Motherhood?
C. Kirabo Jackson

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Climate Change and Occupational Health: Are There Limits to Our Ability to Adapt?
Marcus Dillender

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The Effects of the Kalamazoo Promise Scholarship on College Enrollment and Completion
Timothy J. Bartik, Brad Hershbein, and Marta Lachowska

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Closing Routes to Retirement for Women: How Do They Respond?
Johannes Geyer and Clara Welteke

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The Effect of Advanced Placement Science on Students› Skills, Confidence and Stress
Dylan Conger, Alec L. Kennedy, Mark C. Long, and Raymond McGhee Jr.

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Leveraging Parents through Low-Cost Technology: The Impact of High-Frequency Information on Student Achievement
Peter Bergman and Eric W. Chan

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The Difficult School-to-Work Transition of High School Dropouts: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Carcillo, Andreea Minea

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Teen Fertility and Siblings’ Outcomes: Evidence of Family Spillovers Using Matched Samples
Jennifer A. Heissel

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Increasing Workplace Diversity: Evidence from a Recruiting Experiment at a Fortune 500 Company
Jeffrey A. Flory, Andreas Leibbrandt, Christina Rott, and Olga Stoddard

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Brothers in Arms: Spillovers from a Draft Lottery
Paul Bingley, Petter Lundborg, Stéphanie Vincent Lyk-Jensen

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Volume 55#4 (Fall 2020)

The Economic Burden of Crime: Evidence from Mexico
Andrea Velásquez

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The Consequences of Performance Standards in Need Based Aid: Evidence From Community Colleges
Judith Scott-Clayton and Lauren Schudde

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In-State College Enrollment and Later Life Location Decisions
John V. Winters

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The Impact of Prior Learning Assessments on College Completion and Financial Outcomes
Angela Boatman, Michael Hurwitz, Jason Lee, and Jonathan Smith

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Do Higher Salaries Yield Better Teachers and Better Student Outcomes?
José María Cabrera and Dinand Webbink

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How Far Is Too Far? New Evidence on Abortion Clinic Closures, Access, and Abortions
Jason Lindo, Caitlin Myers, Andrea Schlosser, and Scott Cunningham

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Effects of School Starting Age on the Family
Rasmus Kløve Landersø, Helena Skyt Nielsen, and Marianne Simonsen

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Volume 55#3 (Summer 2020)

The Consequences of Academic Match between Students and Colleges
Eleanor Dillon and Jeffrey Smith

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Persistent Effects of Teacher-Student Gender Matches
Jaegeum Lim and Jonathan Meer

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Are Professors Worth It? The Value-added and Costs of Tutorial Instructors
Jan Feld, Nicolás Salamanca, and Ulf Zölitz

Click here to view appendix.


Does Reducing Unemployment Benefits During a Recession Reduce Youth Unemployment? Evidence from a 50 Percent Cut in Unemployment Assistance
Aedín Doris, Donal O’Neill, and Olive Sweetman

Click here to view appendix.


How to Improve Teaching Practice? An Experimental Comparison of Centralized Training and In-Classroom Coaching
Jacobus Cilliers, Brahm Fleisch, Cas Prinsloo, and Stephen Taylor

Click here to view appendix.


The Effect of Promoting Savings on Informal Risk-Sharing: Experimental Evidence from Vulnerable Women in Kenya
Felipe Dizon, Erick Gong, and Kelly Jones

Click here to view appendix.


The Impacts of Restricting Mobility of Skilled Service Workers: Evidence from Physicians
Kurt Lavetti, Carol Simon, and William D. White

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Volume 55#2 (Spring 2020)

The Effect of Food Stamps on Children's Health: Evidence from Immigrants’ Changing Eligibility
Chloe N. East

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The Age Twist in Employers’ Gender Requests: Evidence from Four Job Boards
Miguel Delgado Helleseter, Peter Kuhn, and Kailing Shen

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The Role of Families in Student Sorting to Teachers
Javaeria A. Qureshi and Ben Ost

Click here to access Replication Materials.


The Intergenerational Transmission of Schooling among the Education-Rationed
Jorge M. Agüero and Maithili Ramachandran

Click here to view appendix.


Policy Choice and Product Bundling in a Complicated Health Insurance Market: Do People Get it Right?
Nathan Kettlewell

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Click here to access Replication Materials.


Labor Market Effects of U.S. Sick Pay Mandates
Stefan Pichler and Nicolas R. Ziebarth

Click here to view appendix.


Infant Health and Later-Life Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Introduction of Sulpha Antibiotics in Sweden
Volha Lazuka

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Click here to access Replication Materials.


Teachers, Electoral Cycles and Learning in India
Sonja Fagernäs and Panu Pelkonen

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Volume 55#1 (Winter 2020)

Welfare Rules, Incentives, and Family Structure
Robert A. Moffitt, Brian J. Phelan, and Anne E. Winkler

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Education and Incarceration in the Jim Crow South: Evidence from Rosenwald Schools
Katherine Eriksson

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How Does School Accountability Affect Teachers? Evidence from New York City
Rebecca Dizon-Ross

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When the Going Gets Tough . . . Financial Incentives, Duration of Unemployment and Job-Match Quality
Yolanda F. Rebollo-Sanz and Núria Rodríguez-Planas

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The Role of Conferences on the Pathway to Academic Impact: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Fernanda L.L. de Leon and Ben McQuillin

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Employment Risk and Job-Seeker Performance
Susan Godlonton

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More Harm than Good? Sorting Effects in a Compensatory Education
Laurent Davezies and Manon Garrouste

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Competitive Schools and the Gender Gap in the Choice of Field of Study
Fanny Landaud, Son-Thierry Ly and Éric Maurin

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Long-Term Impacts of Class Size in Compulsory School
Edwin Leuven and Sturla A. Løkken

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The Impacts of Performance Pay on Teacher Effectiveness and Retention: Does Teacher Gender Matter?
Andrew J. Hill and Daniel B. Jones

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Volume 54#4 (Fall 2019)

Does Access to Family Planning Increase Children’s Opportunities? Evidence from the War on Poverty and the Early Years of Title X
Martha J. Bailey, Olga Malkova, and Zoë M. McLaren

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The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance
Eric A. Hanushek, Marc Piopiunik, and Simon Wiederhold

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Using Behavioral Insights to Increase Parental Engagement: The Parents and Children Together Intervention
Susan E. Mayer, Ariel Kalil, Philip Oreopoulos, and Sebastian Gallegos

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Speech and Wages
Jeffrey Grogger

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An Economic Approach to Generalizing Findings from Regression-Discontinuity Designs
Nirav Mehta

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Career Technical Education and Labor Market Outcomes Appendix: Full List of 4-Digit TOP Codes Estimates
Ann Stevens, Michal Kurlaender, Michel Grosz

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Does Contractual Form Matter? The Impact of Different Types of Non-Tenure Track Faculty on College Students’ Academic Outcomes
Florence Xiaotao Ran and Di Xu

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The Decision to Carry: The Effect of Crime on Concealed-Carry Applications
Briggs Depew and Isaac D. Swensen

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More is Less? The Impact of Family Size on Education Outcomes in the United States, 1850–1940
Hui Ren Tan

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Volume 54#3 (Summer 2019)

One Step at a Time: The Effects of an Early Literacy Text Messaging Program for Parents of Preschoolers
Benjamin N. York, Susanna Loeb, and Christopher Doss

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More than Just a Nudge: Supporting Kindergarten Parents with Differentiated and Personalized Text-Messages
Christopher Doss, Erin M. Fahle, Susanna Loeb, and Benjamin N. York

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Evaluating the Effects of Child Care Policies on Children’s Cognitive Development and Maternal Labor Supply
Andrew S. Griffen

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Child Care Quality and Child Development
M. Caridad Araujo, Marta Dormal, and Norbert Schady

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Click here to view video abstract.


More than Dollars for Scholars: The Impact of the Dell Scholars Program on College Access, Persistence and Degree Attainment
Lindsay C. Page, Stacy S. Kehoe, Benjamin L. Castleman, and Gumilang A. Sahadewo

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Heterogeneity of the Carnegie Effect
Erlend E. Bø, Elin Halvorsen, and Thor O. Thoresen

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Born Under a Lucky Star: Financial Aid, College Completion, Labor Supply, and Credit Constraints
Jeffrey T. Denning

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The Long-Term Effects of Early Life Medicaid Coverage
Sarah Miller and Laura R. Wherry

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Click here to access Replication Materials.


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Volume 54#2 (Spring 2019)

Gainfully Employed? Assessing the Employment and Earnings of For-Profit College Students Using Administrative Data
Stephanie Riegg Cellini and Nicholas Turner

Click here to view Appendix A.

Click here to view Appendix B.

Click here to access Appendix B supporting data (Excel format).


Settling for Academia? H-1B Visas and the Career Choices of International Students in the United States
Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Delia Furtado

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The Effect of Same-Gender and Same-Race Role Models on Occupation Choice: Evidence from Randomly Assigned Mentors at West Point
Michael S. Kofoed and Elizabeth McGovney

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The Effect of Increasing Education Efficiency on University Enrollment: Evidence from Administrative Data and an Unusual Schooling Reform in Germany
Jan Marcus and Vaishali Zambre

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Child Schooling and Child Work in the Presence of a Partial Education Subsidy
Jacobus de Hoop, Jed Friedman, Eeshani Kandpal, and Furio C. Rosati

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Volume 54#1 (Winter 2019)

Teacher Effects on Complex Cognitive Skills and Social-Emotional Competencies
Matthew A. Kraft

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The Effects of Aggregate and Gender-Specific Labor Demand Shocks on Child Health
Marianne Page, Jessamyn Schaller, and David Simon

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Democracy and Demography: Societal Effects of Fertility Limits on Local Leaders
S. Anukriti and Abhishek Chakravarty

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The Impact of Family Composition on Educational Achievement
Stacey H. Chen, Yen-Chien Chen, and Jin-Tan Liu

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Economic Shocks and Labour Market Flexibility
Simon Franklin and Julien Labonne

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Asymmetry of Information within Family Networks
Joachim De Weerdt, Garance Genicot and Alice Mesnard

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Volume 53#4 (Fall 2018)

Rise and Shine: The Effect of School Start Times on Academic Performance from Childhood through Puberty
Jennifer Heissely and Samuel Norris

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Shifting College Majors in Response to Advanced Placement Exam Scores
Christopher Avery, Oded Gurantz, Michael Hurwitz, and Jonathan Smith

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The Black–White Education Scaled Test-Score Gap in Grades K–7
Timothy N. Bond and Kevin Lang

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Manila to Malaysia, Quezon to Qatar: International Migration and its Effects on Origin-Country Human Capital
Caroline Theoharides

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Does Teaching Children How to Play Cognitively Demanding Games Improve Their Educational Attainment? Evidence from a Randomised Controlled Trial of Chess Instruction in England
John Jerrim, Lindsey Macmillan, John Micklewright, Mary Sawtell, and Meg Wiggins

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Effective Policy for Reducing Poverty and Inequality? The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Distribution of Income
Hilary W. Hoynes and Ankur J. Patel

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Volume 53#3 (Summer 2018)

Africa’s Skill Tragedy: Does Teachers‘ Lack of Knowledge Lead to Low Student Performance?
Jan Bietenbeck, Marc Piopiunik, and Simon Wiederhold

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When Measure Matters: Coresidency, Truncation Bias, and Intergenerational Mobility in Developing Countries
M. Shahe Emran, William Greene, and Forhad Shilpi

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Will You Still Want Me Tomorrow? The Dynamics of Families‘ Long-Term Care Arrangements
Bridget Hiedemann, Michelle Sovinsky, and Steven Stern

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Drug Violence and Migration Flows: Lessons from the Mexican Drug War
Sandra Orozco-Aleman and Heriberto Gonzalez-Lozano

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Weather Shocks, Agriculture, and Crime: Evidence from India
David S Blakeslee and Ram Fishman

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The Effect of Competition on Executive Compensation and Incentives: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment
Ana P. Fernandes, Priscila Ferreira, and L. Alan Winters

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Volume 53#2 (Spring 2018)

Student Coaching: How Far Can Technology Go?
Philip Oreopoulos and Uros Petronijevic

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Developing Hope among Impoverished Children: Using Child Self-Portraits to Measure Poverty Program Impacts
Paul Glewwe, Phillip H. Ross, and Bruce Wydick

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Rank, Sex, Drugs, and Crime
Benjamin Elsner and Ingo E. Isphording

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Information, Market Incentives, and Student Performance: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design in Brazil
Braz Camargo, Rafael Camelo, Sergio Firpo, and Vladimir Ponczek

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Family Labor Supply and the Timing of Cash Transfers: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit
Tzu-Ting Yang

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Volume 53#1 (Winter 2018)

Ethnic Complementarities after the Opening of China: How Chinese Graduate Students Affected the Productivity of Their Advisors
George J. Borjas, Kirk B. Doran, Ying Shen

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Changes in Returns to Task-Specific Skills and Gender Wage Gap
Shintaro Yamaguchi

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Missing Work is a Pain: The Effect of Cox-2 Inhibitors on Sickness Absence and Disability Pension Receipt
Aline Bütikofer, Meghan M. Skira

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Click here to access the data set.


The Early Origins of Birth Order Differences in Children’s Outcomes and Parental Behavior
Jee-Yeon K. Lehmann, Ana Nuevo-Chiquero, Marian Vidal-Fernandez

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The Impact of Secondary Schooling in Kenya: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis
Owen Ozier

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Birth Weight in the Long Run
Prashant Bharadwaj, Petter Lundborg, Dan-Olof Rooth

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Measuring the Effects of Welfare Time Limits
Marc K. Chan

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Volume 52#4 (Fall 2017)

The Intergenerational Transmission of Cognitive and Noncognitive Abilities
Erik Grönqvist, Björn Öckert, Jonas Vlachos

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The Cost of Convenience?: Transaction Costs, Bargaining Power, and Savings Account Use in Kenya
Simone Schaner

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The Impact of Judicial Elections in the Sentencing of Black Crime
Kyung H. Park

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The Effect of Social Benefits on Youth Employment: Combining Regression Discontinuity and a Behavioral Model
Olivier Bargain and Karina Doorley

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Water Works: The Economic Impact of Water Infrastructure
Robyn C. Meeks

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Volume 52#3 (Summer 2017)

Stand Your Ground Laws, Homicides, and Injuries
Chandler McClellan and Erdal Tekin

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Retirement Plan Type and Employee Mobility: The Role of Selection
Gopi Shah Goda, Damon Jones, and Colleen Flaherty Manchester

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Flourish or Fail? The Risky Reward of Elite High School Admission in Mexico City
Andrew Dustan, Alain de Janvry, and Elisabeth Sadoulet

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The Effects of Vocational Rehabilitation Services for People with Mental Illness
David Dean, John V. Pepper, Robert Schmidt, and Steven Stern

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Volume 52#2 (Spring 2017)

Do In-Work Tax Credits Serve as a Safety Net?
Marianne Bitler, Hilary Hoynes and Elira Kuka

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Home Sweet Home? Macroeconomic Conditions in Home Countries and the Well-Being of Migrants
Alpaslan Akay, Olivier Bargain, and Klaus F. Zimmermann

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How Income Changes During Unemployment: Evidence from Tax Return Data
Laura Kawano and Sara LaLumia

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Bequests and Informal Long-Term Care: Evidence from the HRS Exit Interviews
Max Groneck

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Volume 52#1 (Winter 2017)

Identifying Sibling Influence on Teenage Substance Use
Joseph G. Altonji, Sarah Cattan, and Iain Ware

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General Education, Vocational Education, and Labor-Market Outcomes over the Lifecycle
Eric A. Hanushek, Guido Schwerdt, Ludger Woessmann, and Lei Zhang

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Unhealthy Retirement?
Fabrizio Mazzonna and Franco Peracchi

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Was That SMART? Institutional Financial Incentives and Field of Study
Jeffrey T. Denning and Patrick Turley

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Migrant Opportunity and the Educational Attainment of Youth in Rural China
Alan de Brauw and John Giles

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Volume 51#4 (Fall 2016)

Parental Responses to Public Investments in Children: Evidence from a Maximum Class Size Rule
Peter Fredriksson, Björn Öckert, and Hessel Oosterbeek

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Father Presence and the Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment
Ariel Kalil, Magne Mogstad, Mari Rege, and Mark E. Votruba

Click here to view appendix.


Bargaining with Grandma: The Impact of the South African Pension on Household Decision Making
Kate Ambler

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Why Have Divorce Rates Fallen? The Role of Women’s Age at Marriage
Dana Rotz

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Military Service and Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Colonial Punjab
Oliver Vanden Eynde

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Aging and Strategic Learning: The Impact of Spousal Incentives on Financial Literacy
Joanne W. Hsu

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Volume 51#3 (Summer 2016)

Saving Teens: Using a Policy Discontinuity to Estimate the Effects of Medicaid Eligibility
Laura R. Wherry and Bruce D. Meyer

Click here to view appendix.


The Effect of Safety Net Programs on Food Insecurity
Lucie Schmidt, Lara Shore-Sheppard, and Tara Watson

Click here to view appendix.


High School Curriculum and Financial Outcomes: The Impact of Mandated Personal Finance and Mathematics Courses
Shawn Cole, Anna Paulson, and Gauri Kartini Shastry

Click here to view appendix.


The Effect of Child Health Insurance Access on Schooling: Evidence from Public Insurance Expansions
Sarah R. Cohodes, Daniel S. Grossman, Samuel A. Kleiner, and Michael F. Lovenheim

Click here to view appendix.


Adapting the Supply of Education to the Needs of Girls: Evidence from a Policy Experiment in Rural India
Marian Meller and Stephan Litschig

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Volume 51#2 (Spring 2016)

Bridging Education Gender Gaps in Developing Countries
Karthik Muralidharan and Ketki Sheth

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Effects of the Minimum Wage on Employment Dynamics
Jonathan Meer and Jeremy West

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Volume 51#1 (Winter 2016)

Quantile Treatment Effects of College Quality on Earnings
Rodney J. Andrews, Jing Li, and Michael F. Lovenheim

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Volume 50#4 (Fall 2015)

All Internal in the Family?: Measuring Spillovers from Public Health Insurance
Thomas G. Koch

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The Star Treatment: Estimating the Impact of Star Ratings on Medicare Advantage Enrollments
Michael Darden, Ian M. McCarthy

Click here to view appendix.


Child Control in Education Decisions: An Evaluation of Targeted Incentives to Learn in India
James Berry

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Volume 50#2 (Spring 2015)

Wealth Gradients in Early Childhood Cognitive Development in Five Latin American Countries
Schady, Behrman, Araujo, Azuero, Bernal, Bravo, Lopez-Boo, Macours, Marshall, Paxson, and Vakis

Click here to view appendix.


The Socioeconomic Gradient of Child Development: Cross-Sectional Evidence from Children 6-42 Months in Bogota
Marta Rubio-Codina, Orazio Attanasio, Costas Meghir, Natalia Varela, Sally Grantham-McGregor

Click here to view appendix.


Risk-Taking Behavior in the Wake of Natural Disasters
Lisa Cameron, Manisha Shah

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All-Cause Mortality Reductions from Measles Catchup Campaigns in Africa
Ariel BenYishay, Keith Kranker

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Volume 50#1 (Winter 2015)

Subjective Performance Evaluation in the Public Sector: Evidence from School Inspections
Iftikhar Hussain

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Wages, Youth Employment, and School Enrollment: Recent Evidence from Increases in World Oil Prices
René Morissette, Ping Ching Winnie Chan, Yuqian Lu

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Volume 49#4 (Fall 2014)

Estimating Heterogeneous Take-up and Crowd-Out Responses to Existing Medicaid Income Limits and Their Nonmarginal Expansions
John C. Ham, Serkan Ozbeklik, and Lara Shore-Sheppard

Click here to view appendix.


Teacher Pay Reform and Productivity: Panel Data Evidence from Adoptions of Q-Comp in Minnesota
Sojourner, Mykerezi & West

Click here to view appendix.

Staying for Benefits: The Effect of a Health and Family Planning Program on Out-Migration Patterns in Bangladesh
By Tania Barham and Randall Kuhn

Click here to view appendix.


Saving Lives: Evidence from a Conditional Food Supplementation Program
Marian W. Meller and Stephan Litschig

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Volume 49#3 (Summer 2014)

The FDA and ABCs: Unintended Consequences of Antidepressant Warnings on Human Capital
Susan H. Busch, Ezra Golberstein, Ellen Meara

Click here to view appendix.


Improving Reading Skills by Encouraging Children to Read in School: A Randomized Evaluation of the Sa Aklat Sisikat Reading Program in the Philippines
Ama Baafra Abeberese, Todd J. Kumler, Leigh L. Linden

Click here to view appendix.

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Volume 49#2 (Spring 2014)

Economic Background and Educational Attainment: The Role of Gene-Environment Interactions
Owen Thompson

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Click here to download dataset.


Dangerous Liquidity and the Demand for Health Care: Evidence from the 2008 Stimulus Payments
Tal Gross and Jeremy Tobacman

Click here to view appendix.


Relative Deprivation and Risky Behaviors
Ana I. Balsa, Michael T. French, and Tracy L. Regan

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Volume 48#4 (Fall 2013)

Gender Wage Gaps Reconsidered: A Structural Approach Using Matched Employer-Employee Data Cristian Bartolucci

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Volume 48#3 (Summer 2013)
Bounds on Average and Quantile Treatment Effects of Job Corps Training on Wages
German Blanco, Carlos A. Flores, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes

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Volume 47#2 (Spring 2012)

Schooling, Child Labor, and the Returns to Healthcare in Tanzania
Adhvaryu, Achyuta R., and Anant Nyshadham

Achyuta R. Adhvaryu is an assistant professor of public health at Yale University. Anant Nyshadham is a graduate student in the Department of Economics at Yale University. The authors thank Prashant Bharadwaj, Michael Boozer, Eric Edmonds, Jason Fletcher, James Fenske, Fabian Lange, T. Paul Schultz, Chris Udry, and participants at the Yale Labor/Public Finance Lunch and the IZA Workshop on Child Labor for helpful comments. The data used in this article can be obtained beginning October 2012 through September 2015 from Achyuta Adhvaryu, 60 College Street, New Haven, CT 06510,


Does Menstruation Explain Gender Gaps in Work Absenteeism?
Mariesa A. Herrmann and Jonah E. Rockoff
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Volume 46#3 (Summer 2011)
The Phantom Gender Difference in the College Wage Premium
William H. J. Hubbard
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Identifying Effective Classroom Practices Using Student Achievement Data
Thomas J. Kane, Eric S. Taylor, John H. Tyler and Amy L. Wooten
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Volume 45#1 (Winter 2010)
The “Missing Girls” of China and the Unintended Consequences of the One Child Policy
Avraham Ebenstein
Click here to download JHR_45-1p87_readme_fines.txt
Click here to download dataset
Click here to download dataset
Click here to download dataset JHR_45-1p87_fines.dta

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Volume 43#4 (Fall 2008)
Racial Labor Market Gaps: The Role of Abilities and Schooling Choices
Sergio Urzúa
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The Economics and Psychology of Personality Traits
Lex Borghans, Angela Lee Duckworth, James J. Heckman and Bas ter Weel
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Volume 43#2 (Spring 2008)
What Holds Back the Second Generation?: The Intergenerational Transmission of Language Human Capital Among Immigrants
Hoyt Bleakley and Aimee Chin
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Volume 43#1 (Winter 2008)
Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term Consequences of Poor Infant Health An Analysis Using Siblings and Twins
Philip Oreopoulos, Mark Stabile, Randy Walld and Leslie L. Roos
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Volume 42#3 (Fall 2007)
Getting Doctors to Do Their Best: The Roles of Ability and Motivation in Health Care Quality
Kenneth L. Leonard, Melkiory C. Masatu, MD and Alexandre Vialou
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Volume 42#1 (Summer 2007)
Welfare Use when Approaching the Time Limit
Francesca Mazzolari
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Volume 39#1 (Winter 2004)
Racial Differences in Patterns of Wealth Accumulation
Maury Gittleman and Edward N. Wolff
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