Information For Libraries
Access Journal Content
Current issues of UW Press journals are available online from HighWire Press, and are also available on Project Muse and JSTOR. To access full-text content:
- Subscribe Now
- Use a Subscription Agency: The University of Wisconsin Press is pleased to work with subscription agencies in the handling of institutional orders and offers a 3% discount to authorized subscription agents.
- Other Options:
- Online access is available as part of the Project MUSE collections.
- PDF article downloads from all past issues of the following journals are available to libraries and research institutions subscribing to the JSTOR archive:
UW Press Journals List of Indexing and Abstracting
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Usage Statistics
To access COUNTER-compliant usage statistics for UWP journals:
- Create a portal account here, or sign in to an existing account.
- Go to the "For Librarians" page.
- Select "Generate COUNTER usage reports." Here you can create reports for all of your HighWire-hosted journals.
Please note that only titles administered by the email addresses registered to your HighWire account will appear in reports run from the HighWire site. When registering for a portal account, we recommend using the same email address you use to administer your subscription(s).
If you need to add email addresses to your portal account, you can do so here.
If you need to change the email address associated with your UWP subscriptions, you can do so here.
To access COUNTER reports via the SUSHI API, an API key is required. The API key consists of your Highwire portal credentials, formatted as the primary user email address followed by a '|' and then the password. More details on SUSHI are available at "https://hwdpapi.highwire.org/sushi."
For assistance, please contact customer service.
Guidelines for Internet Access to Journals
This information provides the Publisher's guidelines for institutional subscribers regarding internet access to University of Wisconsin Press journal content.
- Internet Access is defined as the viewing and use of subscribed Journal content online via the World Wide Web.
- An Institutional Subscription authorizes use at a localized site. A "site" is an organizational unit, and may be academic or nonacademic. For organizations located in more than one city, each city office is considered a different site. For organizations within the same city that are administered independently, each office is considered a different site. For example, each campus in the State University of New York system is considered a different site, and each branch or office of UpJohn Laboratories is considered a different site. If you require a multi-site license, please
email journals@uwpress.wisc.edu for further details.
- By purchasing a subscription to a Journal, the Institutional subscriber agrees to the terms of these Guidelines. If preferred, the Shared Electronic Resource Understanding (SERU)
Recommended Practice may be used as an alternative to a license agreement: https://www.niso.org/publications/rp-7-2012-seru
- AUTHORIZED USERS: Authorized Users are the Subscriber’s full-time and part-time students, including distance learners, regardless of their physical location; the Subscriber’s full-time and part-time employees (including faculty, staff, affiliated researchers and independent contractors), regardless of their physical location; and Patrons not affiliated with the Subscriber who are physically present at Subscriber’s site(s). If the Subscriber has one or more remote sites or campuses which are administered centrally by the Subscriber, persons affiliated with those remote sites or campuses will also be considered Authorized Users.
- SUBSCRIPTION ACCESS: An online subscription permits unlimited simultaneous Internet Access to complete Journal content by Authorized Users for the entire subscription term. Authorized Users shall have access to the content only through the Subscriber’s Secure Network and/or from valid IP addresses or other secure authentication methods. The use of proxy servers is permitted as long as any proxy server IP addresses provided limits remote or off-campus access to Authorized Users.
- COPYRIGHT: Unless otherwise noted, the Publisher holds the copyright on all materials published in Journals, whether in print or electronic form, both as a compilation and as individual articles. All Journal content is subject to "fair use" provisions of U.S. or applicable international copyright laws [https://www.copyright.gov/title17/].
- AUTHORIZED USE: Authorized users are permitted to reproduce or disseminate journal content within the parameters of applicable copyright law. The following uses are specifically authorized:
- Downloading: Downloading, printing, or saving of Journal content for the purposes of research, teaching, and/or private study by Authorized Users is permissible. Systematic downloading (by robots or other automatic processes) is prohibited without explicit publisher approval.
- Scholarly Sharing: Authorized Users may transmit to a third-party colleague in hard copy or electronically, minimal, insubstantial amounts of the materials for personal, scholarly, educational, scientific, or research uses. In addition, Authorized Users have the right to use, with appropriate credit, figures, tables, and brief excerpts from the materials in the Authorized User’s own scientific, scholarly and educational works. Subscriber is not permitted to resell such information for any purpose, under any circumstances.
- Interlibrary Loan: Using electronic, paper, or intermediated means, Subscriber may fulfill occasional requests from other non-participating institutions, a practice commonly called Inter-Library Loan. Subscriber agrees to fulfill such requests in compliance with Section 108 of the United States Copyright Law (17 USC §108, “Limitations on exclusive rights: Reproduction by libraries and archives”).
- Reprints: For permission to reprint or copy Journal content beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law, contact the Copyright Clearance Center [https://www.copyright.com] or our permissions department: permissions@uwpress.wisc.edu, phone (608) 263-1103.
- CONFIDENTIALITY:The Publisher agrees that no personally identifiable information, including but not limited to log-ins recorded in system logs, IP addresses of patrons accessing the system, queries, search profiles, saved searches, usernames and passwords, and any other form of user-contributed data, will be shared with third parties, except in response to a subpoena, court order, or other legal requirement. If the Publisher is compelled by law or court order to disclose personally identifiable information of Authorized Users or patterns of use, Publisher shall provide the Subscriber with adequate prior written notice as soon as is practicable, so that Subscriber or Authorized Users may seek protective orders or other remedies. Publisher will notify the Subscriber and Authorized Users as soon as is practicable if the Publisher’s systems are breached and the confidentiality of personally identifiable information is compromised.
- USAGE STATISTICS:The Publisher will provide to Subscriber usage statistics for the materials. Statistics shall meet or exceed the most recent Project Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) Code of Practice Release (https://www.projectcounter.org/), or prevailing practice, including but not limited to its provisions on customer confidentiality. When a release of a new COUNTER Codes of Practice is issued, Publisher shall comply with the implementation time frame specified by COUNTER to provide use statistics in the new standard format.
- ACCESSIBILITY: Publisher shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), in a manner consistent with the Web Accessibility Initiative Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 AA, https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/. Publisher shall ensure that product maintenance and upgrades are implemented in a manner that does not compromise product accessibility. Publisher shall provide current, accurate accessibility information at https://uwpress.wisc.edu/journals/service.html#accessibility to demonstrate compliance with accessibility standards (https://www.itic.org/policy/accessibility). Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the Subscriber or any end user from making lawful, noninfringing uses to facilitate access to the Journal content by users who have disabilities.
- Non-authorized users: Except as specifically provided elsewhere in these guidelines, Institutional subscribers are prohibited from making agreements for access to Journal content with individuals, organizations, vendors, affiliates, or partners, who are not Authorized Users.
- Commercial redistribution: No direct commercial re-use (e.g. downloading, posting of a file, or printing to sell or distribute to any non-authorized user) of any Journal content is permitted without prior, express written permission of the Publisher. Permission is granted, however, to provide a limited amount of print or electronic Journal content for purposes of regulatory approval, patent and/or trademark applications or other legal or regulatory purposes.
- Removal of copyright notice: Institutional subscribers agree not to remove, cover, overlay, obscure, block, or change any copyright notices, legends, or terms of use.
- Modification: Institutional subscribers shall not modify or create a derivative work of any Journal content without the prior written permission of the Publisher.
- AUTHENTICATION: Subscribers will make reasonable efforts to create and maintain appropriate security measures to ensure that only Authorized Users can access subscribed Journal content online.
- IP addresses: Institutional subscribers affirm that all Internet Protocol ("IP") addresses provided for use of online Journals are controlled by the Institution exclusively for Internet Access by Authorized Users.
- Notification of Unauthorized Use: In the event the Subscriber has notice of an unauthorized use of the Journal content and cannot promptly remedy it, the Subscriber shall immediately notify the Publisher. In the event the Publisher has notice of unauthorized use of the Journal content, the Publisher will immediately notify Subscriber, and the Subscriber will cooperate with the Publisher to address the unauthorized use and avoid a recurrence. Any unauthorized use that is considered a breach of obligations under this Agreement shall be subject to TERMINATION FOR BREACH, below, including the cure period.
- TECHNICAL ACCESS: Publisher shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that the Publisher’s server or servers have sufficient capacity and rate of connectivity to provide the Subscriber and its Authorized Users with a quality of service comparable to current standards in the online information industry in the Subscriber’s locale. Publisher shall use reasonable efforts to provide continuous service with an average of 99% up-time per month. This 99% up-time includes periodic unavailability due to server maintenance; software installation or testing; loading or making available additional Journal content as they become available; and unavailability because of service or equipment failure outside the Publisher’s control (including problems with public or private telecommunications services, or Internet nodes or facilities).
- TERMINATION FOR BREACH: If either party believes that the other has materially breached any obligations under this Agreement, such party shall notify the other party of the alleged breach in writing. If a material breach has occurred, the breaching party shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of notice to use all reasonable means to cure the alleged breach and to notify the non-breaching party in writing that cure has been affected. If the breach is not cured within thirty (30) days, the non-breaching party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement without further notice. Once this Agreement ends, by early termination or otherwise, the Publisher may terminate (or cause termination of) access to the Journal Content by the Subscriber and Authorized Users.
- The Publisher acknowledges that the Subscriber may participate in the LOCKSS system for archiving digitized publications. To benefit from this support, the Subscriber must install a LOCKSS cache at their Institution. (See http://lockss.org for further information.) The Institutional subscriber may perpetually use the LOCKSS system to archive and restore Journal content, so long as the Institutional subscriber's use is otherwise consistent with these Guidelines. The Publisher further acknowledges and agrees that, in using the LOCKSS system, Journal content may be made available to other LOCKSS system participants who indicate a right to the subscribed Journal content.
- WARRANTY: The Publisher affirms they have obtained necessary permissions to post Journal content, and that use of such content by Authorized Users in accordance with these guidelines shall not infringe the copyright of any third party. While it seeks to ensure the accuracy of content posted online, the Publisher DOES NOT WARRANT OR GUARANTEE ITS ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Neither the Publisher nor Institutional subscribers shall be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of data, business interruption, or loss of profits, arising out of the use of or the inability to use the Journal content.
- SEVERABILITY: If any portion of these Guidelines turns out to be invalid, illegal, under dispute, unenforceable or in conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, the rest of the provisions shall remain applicable.
- DISPUTES: In the event of any dispute or controversy arising out of or relating to these Guidelines, the Publisher and Institutional subscriber agree to exercise their best efforts to resolve the dispute as soon as possible. Any dispute that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement shall be subject to mediation. Both parties shall, without delay, continue to perform their respective obligations that are not affected by the dispute.