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Volume 103, Number 1, Spring 2011 Table of Contents


Grant Henley
“Die mir recht in die Seele strahlte.” Aspects of a Pietist Poesie in B. H. Brockes’s Irdisches Vergnügen in Gott
The nature poetry in B. H. Brockes’s nine- volume Irdisches Vergnügen in Gott is traditionally regarded as either the poetic complement to English physicotheology, ideological experi mentation with the literature of the Hermetica, or the literary expression of early Enlightenment philosophical ideals. This article revisits the infl uence of Johann Arndt’s Vier Bücher Von wahrem Christenthumb (1610) and Spenerian Pietism on Brockes’s oeuvre focusing on the Pietist notions of interiority, experiential religion, and the importance of spiritual rebirth. Through lyrical perspective, emotive diction, and textual framing around the term Seele Brockes’s nature poems reflect aspects of a Pietist conversion testimonial more in accord with the stated purpose of the work as Christian Erbauungsliteratur. (GH)


Regina Hartmann
Kulturgrenzen—Grenzkulturen im fiktionalen Raum: Ernst Wicherts Littauische Geschichten
This article uses analysis methods for the interpretation of Ernst Wicherts (1831–1902) Littauische Geschichten (1881) which have been developed in connection with the spatial turn. The overarching question for such an interpretation is about how communication produces space and how space produces communication. The tales by Wichert are particularly suitable for such an analysis because the author shows the interaction of two cultures—the German and the Lithuanian in the border area of Prussian-Lithuania at the end of the 19th century. The detailed analysis of the narrative space draws a picture of separate spheres which are separated by ethnic-cultural, social, language boundaries and such of Prussian law. Of course, Littauische Geschichten is also shaped by the period of its genesis. Ernst Wichert writes in the context of positions characteristic of nationalism in the 19th century; but—with the exception of Hermann Sudermann—no other German author has depicted the situation of the Lithuanians with such insight. (RH; in German)


Pierre Kodjio Nenguié
Interkulturalität, Modernisierung und Nachhaltigkeit: Eine postkoloniale Lektüre von Hans Paasches Werk
This article provides a postcolonial reading of Hans Paasche’s (1881–1920) work. Paasche’s literary oeuvre can be summarized with three key categories: “Interculturality,” “Modernization,” and “Sustainability.” As German colonial officer, he was able to observe processes of modernization and colonization in East Africa and Germany. Using two texts, Ändert euren Sinn and Die Forschungsreise des Afrikaners Lukanga Mukara ins innerste Deutschland, the articles discuss relevant aspects of Paasche’s ideas about colonialism. Paasche’s intercultural experience as a colonial officer sharpened his views of modernization. He considered colonization a genuine form of modernization as it interacts with processes such as civilization, domination, and oppression. In Paasche’s view, modernization and colonization affected not only humans, but also—on an ecological level—animals, plants, nature, and the environment. The author’s familiarity with East African life and forms of thought enabled him to cast German modernization processes in a different light. In both texts Paasche criticized alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Furthermore, he pleads for an ecocritcism avant la lettre with a combined look at ideological, political, feminist, and environmental issues within contemporary Germany. A postcolonial reading of Paasche’s two narratives opens up new critical perspectives on sustainability, technological development, and excessive consumerism. The article also establishes connections between Paasche and Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland as a precursor of Lebensreform. (PKN; in German)


Reinhard Andress
Die unveröffentlichten Gedichte der Marte Brill (1894–1969): Leiden zwischen Lebenslust und Todessehnsucht
Although Marte Brill’s novel of exile, Der Schmelztiegel, was posthumously published in 2002, this has not been the case with the poetry she wrote largely between 1910 and 1919. After briefly sketching Brill’s difficult life of exile in Spain (Mallorca), Italy, and Brazil, this article aims at an analysis of her poetry with its neoromantic, symbolistic, and expressionistic elements. Thematically it displays an emotional gamut between a desire for life and a longing for death. Brill’s explosion of youthful feelings could be seen as normal for a young, sensitive individual had she not found a noteworthy poetic form for expressing herself. A representative sampling of her poetry follows the article. (OR; in German)


Oliver Ruf
“Licht in den Stollen”: Schwellenfiktion und Mnemotechnik in Ralf Rothmanns Gegenwartsromanen
The essay discusses the different facets of liminality and mnemonic in Ralf Rothmann’s novels Stier (1991), Waldernacht (1994), Milch und Kohle (2000), and Junges Licht (2004). From this perspective, Rothmann’s narrative prose belongs with not only a number of contemporary German novels which break with traditional concepts of cultural thresholds: above and beyond this performance, the retrospective coupling of individual ‘Ruhr’ biographies and shared German history is the object of literary refl ection. Rothmann’s novels raise the issue of the special mnemotic gestures and historical semantics which are associated with the ‘Ruhr-Gebiet’ as a catalyst of liminality. Besides, the literary historical connections to metaphors of mining are central for Rothmann’s prose. They can be given profile by discussing the ethnological and anthropological theories of Arnold van Gennep and Victor Turner. In the end the fiction of liminality and the mnemonic techniques emerge as a highly ambivalent code for the expression of social transformation. (OR; in German)


Book Reviews

Arend, Stefanie, Thomas Borgstedt, Nicola Kaminski und Dirk Niefanger, Hrsg., Anthropologie und Medialität des Komischen im 17. Jahrhundert (1580–1730) (Marcus Bullock)

Arndt, Christiane, Abschied von der Wirklichkeit. Probleme bei der Darstellung von Realität im deutschsprachigen literarischen Realismus (Brent O. Peterson)

Berger, Thomas, Der Humanitätsgedanke in der Literatur der deutschen Spätaufklärung (Harro Müller-Michaels)

Brüns, Elke, Hrsg., Ökonomien der Armut. Soziale Verhältnisse in der Literatur (Norbert Bachleitner)

Cornils, Ingo, ed., A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse (Elke Minkus)

Ezli, Özkan, Dorothee Kimmich und Annette Werberger, Hrsg., Wider den Kulturenzwang. Migration, Kulturalisierung und Weltliteratur (Hamid Tafazoli)

Fauth, Søren, Rolf Parr und Eberhard Rohse, Hrsg, “Die besten Bissen vom Kuchen”. Wilhelm Raabes Erzählwerk: Kontexte, Subtexte, Anschlüsse (Robert L. Jamison)

Ganter, Theresa M., Searching for a New German Identity: Heiner Müller and the Geschichtsdrama (Janine Ludwig)

Gerigk, Anja, Literarische Hochkomik in der Moderne. Theorie und Interpretationen (Marcus Bullock)

Göttsche, Dirk and Florian Krobb, eds., Wilhelm Raabe: Global Themes—International Perspectives (Robert L. Jamison)

Gray, Richard T., Money Matters: Economics and the German Cultural Imagination, 1770–1850 (Peter Krapp)

Hanus, Ursula Maria, Deutsch-tschechische Migrationsliteratur. Jiri Gruša und Libuše Monikova (Helga G. Braunbeck)

Hess-Lüttich, Ernest W.B., Ulrich Müller, Siegrid Schmidt, und Klaus Zelewitz, Hrsg., Differenzen? Interkulturelle Probleme und Möglichkeiten in Sprache, Literatur und Kultur (Franz R. Kempf)

Hodkinson, James and Jeffrey Morrison, eds., Encounters with Islam in German Literature and Culture (Kamakshi P. Murti)

Kagel, Martin and Laura Tate Kagel, eds., The Meaning of Culture: German Studies in the 21st Century (Stephen Brockmann)

Krobb, Florian, Erkundungen im Überseeischen. Wilhelm Raabe und die Füllung der Welt (Robert L. Jamison)

Ludwig, Janine, Heiner Müller, Ikone West. Das dramatische Werk Heiner Müllers in der Bundesrepublik—Rezeption und Wirkung (Florian Vaßen)

Machtans, Karolin, Zwischen Wissenschaft und autobiographischem Projekt. Saul Friedländer und Ruth Klüger (Caroline Schaumann)

Marx, Sebastian, Betriebsamkeit als Literatur. Prosa der Weimarer Republik zwischen Massenpresse und Buch (Jochen Hung)

Paaß, Michael, Kulturelles Gedächtnis als epische Reflexion. Zum Werk von Günter Grass (Julian Preece)

Polster, Heike, The Aesthetics of Passage: The Imag(in)ed Experience of Time in Thomas Lehr, W.G. Sebald and Peter Handke (Alexandra Hagen)

Schuhmann, Martin, Reden und Erzahlen. Figurenrede in Wolframs Parzival und Titurel (Thomas Kerth)

Seeling, Claudia, Zur Interdependenz von Gender- und Nationaldiskurs bei Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (Marie Luise Wandruszka)

Taberner, Stuart, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Günter Grass (Siegfried Mews)

Walls, Laura Dassow, The Passage to Cosmos: Alexander von Humboldt and the Shaping of America (Ernest Menze)

Wandruszka, Marie Luise, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach. Erzählerin aus politischer Leidenschaft (Claudia Seeling)

Webber, Andrew J., Berlin in the Twentieth Century: A Cultural Topography (Daniel Weidner)

Weitz, Eric D., Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy (Theodore F. Rippey)