Native Plants Journal Native Plant Materials Directory
To be included in the directory, please contact our advertising manager at (608) 263-0534 or (basic level listings with no changes do not need to contact us). Deadline for submission is March of each year.
![NPJ Directory from 2013](images/NPJ-dir-art.jpg)
Basic Directory Listing (Free)
This is a free listing in the Native Plants Materials Directory. Your basic information is obtained from the National Nursery and Seed Directory, which you may view directly at the RNGR database:
Example of a basic listing:
![Basic Sample](images/NPD_example_basic.gif)
If you have any changes to your information, please contact us at (608) 263-0534 or If there are no changes, you do not need to contact us.
Enhanced Directory Listing (Contact us for current pricing)
Selecting the enhanced level allows your company to stand out with a bold listing that includes a complete description of your company and the services or products you have to offer.
Example of an enhanced listing:
![Enhanced Sample](images/NPJ-dir-enhanced.jpg)