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Catalog cover: University of Wisconsin Press's Spring 2024 titles

Spring 2024 titles
Order: Books | Journals

Champassak Royalty and Sovereignty

Champassak Royalty and Sovereignty
Within and between Nation-States in Mainland Southeast Asia

Whispers in the Echo Chamber

Whispers in the Echo Chamber
Folklore and the Role of Conspiracy Theory in Contemporary Society

Hollywood's Unofficial Film Corps

Hollywood's Unofficial Film Corps
American Jewish Moviemakers and the War Effort

Cowboy Park book cover.

Cowboy Park

Surveille book cover.

Caitlin Roach

Wolf Act: cover depicting an illustration of a red cloak hanging on a wall with the hide of a wolf hanging beside it. The title text is written in bold font above the two hanging items. The top half and left side of the image, including the red cloak, are in shadow, while the wolf hide is in bright light.

Wolf Act
AJ Romriell

Written for the Drawer: a black and white photo of messy shelves in an office. The title text is written in contrasting, bold yellow and white font.

Written for the Drawer
Leonid Tsypkin, Uncensored Literature, and Soviet Jewishness