The University of Wisconsin Press
Theater / Holocaust Studies
The Theatre of the Holocaust, Volume 2
Six Plays
Edited and with an Introduction by Robert Skloot
This second volume of The Theatre of the Holocaust, when combined with the first, represents the most significant and comprehensive international collection of plays on the Holocaust. Since the appearance of Volume 1 in 1982, theatre and Holocaust studies have undergone astonishing transformations. In Volume 2, Skloot presents six plays acknowleding the most recent theatrical forms in our post-modern age.The Theatre of the Holocaust, Volume 2 contains six plays:
Camp Comedy, Roy Kift
The career of the noted actor Kurt Gerron who was ordered by the Nazis to make a progaganda film of a "concentration camp" in order to deceive the Red Cross.Dreams of Anne Frank, Bernard Kops
The most famous Holocaust victim uses her extraordinary imagination to free herself from her attic prison through dreams of surrealistic wonder.The Model Apartment, Donald Margulies
The tragicomic journey of two elderly Holocaust survivors whose search for contented retirement ends unhappily in a Florida condominium.The Portage to San Cristobel of A.H., George Steiner (adapted for stage by Christopher Hampton)
The controversial political thriller based on the discovery of Adolf Hitler, at age 90, by an Israeli search party in the Brazilian jungle.The Survivor and the Translator, Leeny Sack
A performance art piece about the playwright's grandmother, a concentration camp survivor.H.I.D. (Hess is Dead), Howard Brenton
A dramatic encounter with the modern ghosts that haunt Europe and challenge the truth of its past.
Robert Skloot is professor in the Department of Theater and Drama and in the Center for Jewish Studies at the University of WisconsinMadison. He is the author of the play If the Whole Body Dies: Raphael Lemkin and the Treaty Against Genocide. He is also the author of The Darkness We Carry: The Drama of the Holocaust and editor of The Theatre of the Holocaust, Volume 1 and Volume 2, and The Theatre of Genocide all published by the University of Wisconsin Press.
Photo © UW-Madison University Communications
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April 1999
408 pp. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
12 b/w photos
Cloth $55.00 s
ISBN 978-0-299-16270-2
Paper $24.95 t
ISBN 978-0-299-16274-0ADD TO CART
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