The University of Wisconsin Press
Sand Mansions
A Novel
Norman Gilliland
"Gilliland presents a panorama of fascinating true-life characters who inhabited North Central Florida. . . . It is a great read."
Michael Gannon, author of Secret MissionsIn 1876, a close presidential contest was tilted by means of a few stuffed ballot boxes, one of which came from the village of Archer, Florida. That fraud is the departure point for Norman Gilliland's historical novel Sand Mansions, a remarkable story of carpetbag politics, get-rich-quick schemes, and hasty justice—a story based closely on events that shaped the history of northern Florida and the nation in the years 1876 to 1905. Unforgettable characters include a former slave who became a wealthy plantation owner, a clever and corrupt political boss, a deadly black outlaw, and his Irish priest accomplice. And here are stories of a 14,000-acre lake that disappears, a grandiose planned community nipped in the bud by a yellow fever epidemic, devastating freezes, and a vote by ten men to determine the future of two competing towns.
Norman Gilliland has hosted weekday classical music broadcasts since 1977, beginning in Florida and continuing in Wisconsin. He is the creator of Grace Notes for a Year: Stories of Hope, Humor, and Hubris from the World of Classical Music, which has become a daily feature on a number of public radio stations nationwide. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin. This is his first novel.
Midnight Catch, Scores to Settle, and Grace Notes for a Year are also published by the University of Wisconsin Press.
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January 2005
LC: 2004102208
572 pp. 6 3/4 x 9 5/8
4 b/w illustrations, 1 map
Cloth $24.95 t
ISBN 978-0-9715093-1-3Adobe Digital Edition (PDF)
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