The University of Wisconsin Press
Charles Harper Webb
The Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry
Ronald Wallace, General Editor
Winner of the 1999 Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry, Selected by Robert Bly
“Charles Harper Webb has a strong voice. He doesn't back away in order to say safe things. . . . He is a poet of complicated and brave feelings.”
Robert Bly“Webb has a wild inventive energy, a quirky at times and even manic wit, and a deep sense of wonder at the world.”
Edward HirschThe poems in Liver come at the reader from many angles at once, like a whirlwind or a warm shower. Charles Harper Webb is a poet of contradictions: humor and heartbreak, depth and accessibility, playfulness and seriousness, raw energy and careful craft. His poems glorify the spirit, but also the flesh, exemplified by the liver, the “organ whose name contains the injunction Live! . . . great One-Who-Lives, so we can too.” Even at their darkest, their most outraged and sorrowing, Webb’s poems affirm the world, and help us live in it gladly.
Charles Harper Webb is professor of English at California State University, Long Beach, as well as a psychotherapist in private practice. He has previously published a novel, The Wilderness Effect, and a book of poems, Reading the Water, and has edited two other collections of poetry.
See also Charles Harper Webb’s new book Hot Popsicles.
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October 1999
116 pp. 6 x 9
Paper $14.95 t
ISBN 978-0-299-16574-1Cloth $24.95 s
ISBN 978-0-299-16570-3ADD TO CART
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