The University of Wisconsin Press
Mercy Mercy Me
Elena Georgiou
"This girl rocks the poetry boat."
Gerry Gomez Pearlberg
"The debut of a lucid, lusty new voice in American poetry. Honesty is her trademark, tempered by the rolling music of her voice. This book unveils the story of a vigorous soul's journey in and out of love. Whether her speaker is buying lunch at a falafel stand or bumping into the ghost of Marvin Gaye in a supermarket, Georgiou's zesty clarity prevails, sweetened by her impeccable ear and fired, as it always is, by her burning heart. A Cypriot by way of London, now happily a New Yorker, Georgiou fearlessly tackles the raw hungers of friendship and romance with a poetry of rare independence and vulnerability, sass, and sophistication."Molly Peacock
Elena Georgiou lives in Brooklyn and teaches poetry and creative writing at Hunter College in New York and Goddard College in Vermont. She coedited, with Michael Lassell, the anthology The World in Us. She is the recipient of a New York Foundation for the Arts poetry fellowship, Astraea Emerging Writers Award, and Lambda Literary Award.
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March 2003
LC: 2002075664 PS
80 pp. 6 x 9
Paper $12.95 t
ISBN 978-0-299-18684-5ADD TO CART
2000 paperback, Painted Leaf
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