Popular Culture
Media Sense
The Folklore-Popular Culture Continuum
Edited by Peter Narvaez and Martin LabaPopular Press
Essays in this collection exemplify folkloristic approaches to popular culture. The contributors are concerned with the ways in which technological media shape expressive forms; the small group uses of mass media; the relation of traditional forms, content and aesthetics to mass popularity; the changing repertoires and roles of active bearers of tradition who perform for audiences of differing sizes; and the functions of folklore within the conventions of popular culture. This collection demonstrates that folklore and popular culture are not oppositional so much as interdependent categories of cultural activity in modern society.
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LC: 86-070527 F
174 pp. 6 x 9
16 b/w photos
ISBN 978-0-87972-343-9
Cloth $18.95 t
(ISBN 978-0-87972-344-6 Paper is out of print)
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