The University of Wisconsin Press
Popular Culture / Popular Fiction
As American as Mom, Baseball, and Apple Pie
Constructing Community in Contemporary American Horror Fiction
Linda J. Holland-TollPopular Press
This book does nothing less than redefine the very genre of horror fiction, calling into question the usual conventions, motifs, and elements. Unlike many critics of this genre, Linda Holland-Toll sees disaffirmative horror fiction acting neither to soothe fears nor reduce them to the vicarious "thrills 'n' chills" mode, but as intensifying the fears inherent in everyday life.
Linda J. Holland-Toll holds a Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Nevada, Reno, with a concentration on Genre Studies and Contemporary American Literature. She presently teaches American Literature and Genre Studies at Newbury College, Newbury, South Carolina. She lives with two dogs, a ferret and a rat on a sleepy street in small town America. She is a member of the Popular Culture Assocation and the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts.
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Fall 2005
LC: 2001037998 PS
306 pp. 6 x 9
ISBN-10: 0-87972-851-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-87972-851-9
Cloth $59.95 t
ISBN-10: 0-87972-852-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-87972-852-6
Paper $24.95 t
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