The University of Wisconsin Press
Popular Culture / American Studies
Sundae Best
A History of Soda Fountains
Anne Cooper Funderburg
Popular Press
This book is the first comprehensive, documented history of this popular institution, which millions of Americans fondly remember. For one hundred fifty years, the soda fountain was a community social center, both in big cities and small towns.
The evolution of the soda fountain reflected momentous developments in American history, the author states—urbanization, the temperance movement and Prohibition, the Great Depression, technical progress, the decline of Main Street, and the rise of car culture and growth of suburbia. The fountain's evolution was also closely tied to trends in retailing, food service, lifestyles, and the decorative arts.
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LC: 2001043423 TP
240 pp. 6 x 9
ISBN-10: 0-87972-854-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-87972-854-0
Paper $18.95 t
ISBN-10: 0-87972-853-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-87972-853-3
Cloth $39.95 t
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