The University of Wisconsin Press
Chemistry / Education
Chemical Demonstrations, Volume 1
A Handbook for Teachers of Chemistry
Bassam Z. Shakhashiri
"WOW! . . . HOW?" your students will exclaim when you present the demonstrations in the acclaimed Chemical Demonstrations Volumes 1-4.The demonstrations capture interest, teach, inform, fascinate, amaze, and perhaps, most importantly, involve students in chemistry. Nowhere else will you find books that answer, "How come it happens? . . . Is it safe? . . . What do I do with all the stuff when the demo is over?"
Shakhashiri and his collaborators offer 282 chemical demonstrations arranged in 11 chapters. Each demonstration includes seven sections: a brief summary, a materials list, a step-by-step account of procedures to be used, an explanation of the hazards involved, information on how to store or dispose of the chemicals used, a discussion of the phenomena displayed and principles illustrated by the demonstration, and a list of references.
"Even where the chemistry is familiar, teachers at all levelsfrom school to university-could learn how to present it in a memorable way."Education in Chemistry
1. Thermochemistry
2. Chemiluminescence
3. Polymers
4. Color and Equilibria of Metal Ion Precipitates and ComplexesBassam Z. Shakhashiri is professor of chemistry at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and founder of the Institute for Chemical Education (ICE) and the Wisconsin Initiative for Science Literacy (WISL). He formerly served as assistant director for science and engineering education at the National Science Foundation.
Media & bookseller inquiries regarding review copies, events, and interviews can be directed to the publicity department at or (608) 263-0734. (If you want to examine a book for possible course use, please see our Course Books page. If you want to examine a book for possible rights licensing, please see Rights & Permissions.)
September 1983
LC: 81-070016 QD
368 pp. 8 1/2 x 11 75 illus.
Cloth $39.95 a
ISBN 978-0-299-08890-3ADD TO CART Order all the books in this series by clicking on this shopping cart.
• Visit Shakhashiri’s “Science Is Fun” site at
• The Science is Fun YouTube channel is a good resource for Professor Shakhashiri's videos.
• Chemical Demonstrations, Vols. 1–4 have sold more than 75,000 copies
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