The University of Wisconsin Press
Popular Culture
Graphic Opinions
Editorial Cartoonists and Their Art
Edited by Jack Colldeweih and Kalman GoldsteinPopular Press
Editorial cartoonists are buffeted by unprecedented challenges from global computer information networks. Newspapers fail, colleagues are dismissed or harried, and they tussle over "selling" gags rather than satire. Graphic Opinions offers a path-breaking group portrait of these artists' attempts to reconcile economics with a sense of calling.
The editors examine the current work and opinions of two dozen prominent cartoonists through profiles and essays about political and social issues. Four examples by each cartoonist illustrate this.
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LC: 97-052131 NC
288 pp. 6 x 9
96 b/w illus.
ISBN 978-0-87972-757-4
Cloth $45.95 t
ISBN 978-0-87972-758-1
Paper $24.95 t
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