The University of Wisconsin Press
Film / American Studies
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Edited with an Introduction by James Naremore
Foreword by Tino Balio
Wisconsin/Warner Bros. screenplay series
"The worst ain't so bad when it finally happens. Not nearly as bad as you figure it will be before it's happened."from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
A search for gold in the mountains of Mexico leads three American prospectors to both treasure and loss in John Huston's screenplay for his acclaimed and much-studied 1948 film. This volume provides the full text of the screenplay with extensive annotations, production and cast credits, a research inventory, and frame enlargements that feature Humphrey Bogart, Walter and John Huston, and Alfonso Bedoya in their movie roles. Renowned film critic and historian James Naremore contrasts the film with the original anticapitalist novel by the legendary writer B. Traven and describes director Huston's art in the historical context of 1940s Hollywood.
Wisconsin/Warner Bros. screenplay series
Tino Balio, series editor
James Naremore is the Chancellor's Professor of English and Communication and Culture at Indiana University. He is author of More than Night: Film Noir in Its Contexts and The Magic World of Orson Welles. Tino Balio, Professor in the Department of Communication Arts at the University of WisconsinMadison, is the author of United Artists: The Company Built by the Stars, United Artists: The Company That Changed the Film Industry, and the editor of The American Film Industryas well as the 22 volume Wisconsin/Warner Bros. Screenplay series, all published by the University of Wisconsin Press. He directed the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theatre Research from 1966 to 1882.
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December 2005
LC: 78-053298 PN
208 pp. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
24 film frame enlargements
Paper $24.95 x
ISBN 978-0-299-07684-9ADD TO CART
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