The University of Wisconsin Press
History / Politics / Spain / Fascism
The Franco Regime, 19361975
Stanley G. Payne
“The most substantial contribution to our understanding the political history of Francoist Spain. Its tone is gruff, its learning staggering.”
—Raymond Carr, New York Review of Books
The history of modern Spain is dominated by the figure of Francisco Franco, who presided over one of the longest authoritarian regimes of the twentieth century. Between 1936 and the end of the regime in 1975, Franco’s Spain passed through several distinct phases of political, institutional, and economic development, moving from the original semi-fascist regime of 1936–45 to become the Catholic corporatist “organic democracy” under the monarchy from 1945 to 1957. Distinguished historian Stanley G. Payne offers deep insight into the career of this complex and formidable figure and the enormous changes that shaped Spanish history during his regime.
“With the publication of Stanley G. Payne’s massive and eminently judicious study we at last have the means of understanding the man and his regime. . . . The most solidly based and sanely balanced book yet to appear on this difficult subject.”
—Paul Preston, New York Times
Stanley G. Payne is the Hilldale–Jaume Vicens Vives Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His many books include Spain: A Unique History; Spain’s First Democracy: The Second Republic, 19311936; A History of Fascism, 19141945; and Fascism: Comparison and Definition, all published by the University of Wisconsin Press.
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September 2011
LC: 87-040139 DP
677 pp. 6 x 9
52 illus., 5 maps
Paper $45.00 s
ISBN 978-0-299-11074-1ADD TO CART
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