The University of Wisconsin Press
Popular Culture
Mission Underway
The History of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association and the Popular Culture Movement 19672001
Edited, Revised, and Updated by Ray B. BrownePopular Press
The history of the study of popular culture in American academic since its (re)introduction in 1967 is filled with misunderstanding and opposition. From the first, proponents of the study of this major portion of American culture made clear that they were interested in making popular culture a supplement to the usual courses in such fields as literature, sociology, history, philosophy, and the other humanities and social sciences; nobody proposed that study of popular culture replace the other disciplines, but many suggested that it was time to reexamine the accepted courses and see if they were still viable. Opposition to the status quo always causes anxiety and opposition, but when the issues are clarified, often opposition and anxiety melt away, as they are now doing.
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LC: 2002283311 E
264 pp. 6 x 9
20 b/w photos
ISBN-10: 0-87972-856-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-87972-856-4
Paper $25.95 t
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