Men's Studies / Gender Studies / Psychology

Boyhood, Growing Up Male, Second Edition
A Multicultural Anthology
Franklin Abbott
With a new Foreword by Michael S. Camel

"[Boyhood] will move you with the richness and the diversity of the human experience."Seattle Men

By turns touching, funny, poignant, and painful, Boyhood chronicles the road to manhood through the personal narratives and poems of accomplished writers from around the world. Contributors include Shepherd Bliss, Robert Bly, Edward Field, John Gilgun, Fred Wei-han Ho, Terry A. Kupers, Rakesh Ratti, John Silva, Malidoma P. Somé, Sy Safransky, Bhante Wimala, and many others.

"The essays in this book give us a window into remembered boyhood and outward to its adult expression, a prism through which we see how boys become men.... Franklin Abbott's brave and caring collection gives us genuine hope, because the authors, like real men, look at their lives squarely and honestly. And they do not flinch."—Michael Kimmel, from the Foreword

"Though some of these more than 40 personal accounts convey the exquisite angst of the men's movement, the broad range of experiences should strike many chords."—Publishers Weekly

Franklin Abbott is a poet, psychotherapist, activist, and editor living in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the editor of two anthologies: New Men, New Minds (1987) and Men & Intimacy (1990). The contributors are from the U.S., Europe, Latin America, Africa, and China.

Media & bookseller inquiries regarding review copies, events, and interviews can be directed to the publicity department at or (608) 263-0734. (If you want to examine a book for possible course use, please see our Course Books page. If you want to examine a book for possible rights licensing, please see Rights & Permissions.)

cover of Boyhood is a photo of three young boys standing on a hill in the evening. One is pointing to somewhere in the distance.

March 1998
290 pp. 6 x 9
ISBN-10: 0-299-15754-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-299-15754-8
Paper $15.95 t

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