Writing Guidelines

Thanks for your interest in contributing to the University of Wisconsin Press blog. We truly couldn’t do this without you, so thank you. Below you will find details on the types of posts we look for and specifics about our editorial process.

Topic Ideas

We aim to have posts that are of interest to book lovers, authors and potential authors, and general readers who are interested in the topics we specialize in. We look for posts about:

  • Writing

  • Author interviews

  • Topics related to your book or article published by the University of Wisconsin Press.

Submission guidelines

  • We aim to have posts that are closer to op eds than articles. A suitable length will generally be 500 words, although longer pieces may be accepted.

  • Use of videos, photos, screenshots and other visual content is encouraged. Images can be taken from the web or a stock photo service, as long as they are royalty-free (or in the public domain/available as part of Creative Commons), or you hold the copyright. If the image requires creator credit, please provide the sourcing information, so that we can be sure to attribute it properly.

  • We encourage writers to use formatting such as sub-headings, bulleted lists, and bold fonts to highlight key concepts, when applicable.

  • If you are a UW Press published author, we’ll have a bio for you. Otherwise, your bio should be approximately 60 words and should include any other relevant links you wish to display (e.g., your blog; Facebook Page; Twitter handle; website URL, etc.).

After Publication

  • We will promote all posts via Twitter, Facebook, and other relevant social platforms. Authors are encouraged to promote their posts through their own networks, as well.

  • We are happy to allow our published authors to repurpose their posts elsewhere, but subsequent publication of your blog post should cite the UW Press blog as the original source and provide a link to the article on http://uwpress.wordpress.com/.

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