The University of Wisconsin Press is proud to publish at least seven poetry collections each year as part of the Wisconsin Poetry Series. In celebration of National Poetry Month, all in-stock Wisconsin Poetry Series titles are on sale for 30% off with discount code NPM2024UWISC. We invite you to browse the Wisconsin Poetry Series titles and learn more about the series at this link. You can also follow along on social media as we highlight many must-read collections throughout the month!
The Brittingham and Felix Pollak Prizes in Poetry, along with the Wisconsin Prize for Poetry in Translation, are awarded annually; each winner receives a monetary prize and publication of their work in the Wisconsin Poetry Series. Winners are selected by a guest judge following an initial screening process conducted by coeditors Sean Bishop and Jesse Lee Kercheval in conjunction with the Creative Writing Program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The series also publishes collections by a handful of exceptional finalists and, often, a winner of the Four Lakes Prize in Poetry. The next submissions period will open this summer.