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Volume 96, Number 4, Winter 2004 Table of Contents


Carl Niekerk
Man and Orangutan in Eighteenth-Century Thinking: Retracing the Early History of Dutch and German Anthopology
Following Cassirer’s Philosophy of the Enlightenment, this article argues that eighteenth-century natural history, in its movement toward temporalization, demonstrated an active interest in the principles of transformation and evolution, challenging older static models. A particularly clear example of this tendency is the debate about the relationship between humans and anthropoid apes. Even though much of the data is still unreliable and very few actual depictions of anthropoid apes exist, throughout the eighteenth century the issue of the relationship between humans and apes is debated with great vigor, and many prominent intellectuals participated. The beginnings of modern anthropology, and in particular the works of Camper and Blumenbach, are closely connected to this debate; only after the idea of an evolutionary relationship between humans and apes is abandoned does anthropology as a theory of human diversity begin to develop as an autonomous discipline. (CN)


Ruth J. Owen
The Body as Art in Early-Twentieth-Century German Poetry
In the first three decades of the twentieth century, clusters of poems, by both major and minor poets, evoke bodies as art objects, such as statues, paintings, and floral ornaments. In part this originates in a desire to synthesize the ancient and the modern, or to posit a quasi-sexual model of art-reception and art-creation. The symbol-laden bodies constitute a play with aesthetic tradition: strict separation of the made image from the mortal, birthing body allows poets to explore how bodies are conceptualized. They set silent corporeal gesture against lyric language: whilst sonnet form counters the disintegration of broken art-bodies, the voiceless, non-intellectual model of communication also challenges the poem. In the shift from a visual to a linguistic medium, gaps open up, so that images are not just reproduced but critically interpreted in body poems; the critical gaps around bodies’ speechlessness show up the power of spectatorship and the satisfied gaze. (RJO)


Kathleen Condray
Language and Power, Homoeroticism and Illness: A Reading of Jan Peter Bremer’s Der Fürst spricht
Jan Peter Bremer has enjoyed great commercial success with the publication of four novels, yet like other Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis winners, he remains largely ignored by literary scholars. This article explores Bremer’s fêted work Der Fürst spricht (1996). While reviewers in the popular press focus on the novel’s themes of loneliness and isolation, political intrigue, and the Herr-Knecht relationship, neither the importance of language to the story nor the theme of homosexual longing explored through its deceptively streamlined prose have until now been investigated. The essay examines how the eponymous Prince manipulates language to control others and uses linguistic power to construct the world as he desires it to exist, all in an attempt to win his underling as a lover. However, the illness motif of the story links the sexual impulses of the Prince with death, implying that his homosexual yearning is doomed from the outset. (KC)



Introduction, German Departments in the U.S.A., German Departments in Canada, Promotions, New Appointments, Visitors, Retirements, Necrology, Doctoral Dissertations, Summary

Book Reviews

Antoine, Annette, Literarische Unternehmungen der Spätaufklärung. Der Verleger Friedrich Nicolai, die Straussfedern und ihre Autoren. 2 Bände (Thomas Broman)

Ascheid, Antje, Hitler’s Heroines: Stardom and Womanhood in Nazi Cinema (Valerie Weinstein)

Becker, Rudolph Zacharias, Versuch über die Aufklärung des Landmannes (Hans Adler)

Bergfelder, Tim, Erica Carter, and Deniz Göktürk, eds., The German Cinema Book (Patrice Petro)

Blinn, Hansjürgen, Informationshandbuch Deutsche Literatur wissenschaft (Burkhard Henke)

Böning, Holger und Reinhart Siegert, Volksaufklärung. Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Popularisierung aufklärischen Denkens im deutschen Sprachraum von den Anfängen bis 1850. Bd. 2, Der Höhepunkt der Volksaufklärung 1781–1800 und die Zäsur durch die Französische Revolution (Hans Adler)

Carr, Gilbert J. und Edward Timms, Hrsg., Karl Kraus und Die Fackel. Aufsätze zur Rezeptionsgeschichte / Reading Karl Kraus. Essays on the reception of Die Fackel (Leo A. Lensing)

Faulstich, Werner, Die bürgerliche Mediengesellschaft (1700–1830) (John A. McCarthy)

Friedrich, Hans-Edwin, Deformierte Lebensbilder. Erzählmodelle der Nachkriegsautobiographie (1945–1960) (Stephanie Ortega)

Fulda, Daniel und Silvia S. Tschopp, Hrsg., Literatur und Geschichte. Ein Kompendium zu ihrem Verhältnis von der Aufklärung bis zur Gegenwart (Waltraud Maierhofer)

Fulda, Daniel und Walter Pape, Hrsg., Das andere Essen. Kannibalismus als Motiv und Metapher in der Literatur (Erhard Schütz)

Grawe, Christian, “Der Zauber steckt immer im Detail.” Studien zu Theodor Fontane und seinem Werk 1976–2002 (Frederick Betz)

Greiling, Johann Christoph, Theorie der Popularität (Hans Adler)

Hake, Sabine, Popular Cinema of the Third Reich (Richard W. McCormick)

Hess, Jonathan M., Germans, Jews, and the Claims of Modernity (Peter R. Erspamer)

Honegger, Gitta, Thomas Bernhard: The Making of an Austrian (Timothy B. Malchow)

London, John, ed., Theater under the Nazis (Brigitte E. Jirku)

Menhennet, Alan, The Historical Experience in German Drama: From Gryphius to Brecht (Peter Höyng)

Naughton, Leonie, That was the Wild East: Film, Culture, Unificaiton, and the “New” Germany (Stephan Soldovieri)

O’Brien, Mary-Elizabeth, Nazi Cinema as Enchantment: The Politics of Entertainment in the Third Reich (Marc Silbermann)

Petro, Patrice, Aftershocks of the New: Feminism and Film History (Hester Baer)

Pinkard, Terry, Hegel: A Biography (Peter Gilgen)

Schanze, Helmut, Hrsg., Handbuch der Mediengeschichte (Peter Krapp)

Schoeps, Karl-Heinz, Literature and Film in the Third Reich (Marc Silbermann)

Selwyn, Pamela E., Everyday Life in the German Book Trade: Friedrich Nicolai as Bookseller and Publisher in the Age of Enlightenment 1750–1810 (James van der Laan)

Sharpe, Lesley, The Cambridge Companion to Goethe (Astrida Orle Tantillo)

Thon, Johann Adam Christian, Das räsonnirende Dorfkonvent (Hans Adler)

Zerrenner, Heinrich Gottlieb, Volksaufklärung (Hans Adler)

Index Volume 96 (2004)