Geography / Economics and Business / Psychology / Sociology

Migration and Residential Mobility
Macro and Micro Approaches
Martin Cadwallader

"Migration and Residential Mobility is a tour de force within the field of migration representing an excellent summary of Martin Cadwallader's research on migration over the past seventeen years. The book will establish and confirm him as a leading authority within the field."
—James O. Huff, University of Illinois

Designed both as a text for courses in population geography and migration and as a resource for planners working on migration issues, Migration and Residential Mobility studies the movement of people from region to region and within cities in such developed countries as the United States, Canada, England, and Sweden.

Martin Cadwallader presents the major theoretical and empirical issues of the field, while describing and explaining various kinds of statistical models for migration. In particular, he uses structural equation models to specify the interrelations of variables that affect migration. He draws together concepts and methods from geography, economics, sociology, demography, and other fields, but provides a unifying geographical emphasis on the relationships among socioeconomic processes and spatial patterns.

The book covers both macro and micro approaches to migration. The macro approach explains broad patterns of migration by measuring characteristics of the socioeconomic and physical environments, while the micro approach explains why individual people move, using a model of psychological decision-making processes. Cadwallader also makes a distinction between interregional migration and residential mobility within cities.

Martin Cadwallader is professor of geography and dean of the graduate school at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the author of Analytical Urban Geography: Spatial Patterns and Theories.


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cover of Cadwallader's book displays lines of black and white intersecting to form geometric cubes, set against a red background

Fall 1992
LC: 92-050246 HB
293 pp. 6 x 9
54 halftones
ISBN-10: 0-299-13494-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-299-13494-5
Paper $19.95 s

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