Popular Culture


Lost in the Rentharpian Hills
Spanning the Decades with Carl Jacobi
R. Dixon Smith

Popular Press

R. Dixon Smith has captured the enchanting story of the well-known pulp writer Carl Jacobi. Jacobi wrote many fantasy and weird tales, while leading his own magical life. Jacobi's chilling tales of the supernatural, "Witches in the Cornfield," "The Corbie Door," "Mive," and "Revelations in Black," instill as much fright and gloom as any Edgar Allan Poe or Stephen King story. In his weird-horror stories, "The Historian," "Trial by Jungle," "Tiger Island," "Black Lace," as in all Jacobi's stories, every detail is intricately researched and every word is delicately placed.

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LC: 84-072634 PS
156 pp.  6 x 9
28 b/w photos, 9 b/w illus.
ISBN 978-0-87972-287-6
Cloth $18.95 t
ISBN 978-0-87972-288-3
Paper $9.95 t

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